250 grams of high gluten flour
Milk powder 10g
Honey 30 grams
25 grams of eggs
3 grams of salt
3 grams of dry yeast
25 grams of butter
The method of heart-shaped rose bread
Weigh the required materials first.
Put all the ingredients except butter into the bread machine barrel and start the dough mixing program.
Add butter, start the dough mixing program again, and ferment the kneaded dough in a warm place to double its size.
Fermented dough, divided into 4 equal parts.
Divide each portion of dough into 5 portions. Roll the dough round, cover it with plastic wrap and wake it for 5 minutes.
Roll the proofed dough into thin slices, as shown in the figure.
Roll it up from one side.
Cut in the middle.
With a little hand finishing, two beautiful roses are ready.
Put the finished rose into an 8-inch heart-shaped cake mold and ferment it to twice its size. After the second round, brush a layer of egg liquid on the surface. Preheat the oven 180℃ and bake in the middle layer for about 20 minutes.