1. Myopia in both eyes is 300 degrees each, and those who do not meet the requirements of the "Physical Examination Standards for Recruited Citizens" are not allowed to serve in the military. They have refractive errors and have undergone excimer laser surgery for more than half a year without complications. The unaided visual acuity of any eye reaches 4.8, in order to enlist in the army, Article 35 of the "Physical Examination Standards for Citizens Recruited" stipulates that the unaided visual acuity of the right eye is lower than 4.6, and the unaided visual acuity of the left eye is lower than 4.5.
2. Vision refers to the ability of the retina to distinguish images. The quality of vision is determined by the ability of the retina to resolve images. However, when the refractive medium of the eye (such as cornea, lens, vitreous body, etc.) becomes turbid or there is refractive error (including myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, etc.), even if Eyes with good retinal function can still experience reduced vision. Opacities in the refractive medium of the eye can be treated with surgery, while refractive errors require correction with lenses.
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