Heat dissipation must be considered when packaging more LED chips with a single patch LED, and the most important advantage of high-power patch LED with high thermal conductivity cermet composite substrate is ultra-low thermal resistance. Viahay introduced new surface mount white LEDs at 20 10 and 1. Using PLCC-4 package, the optimized lead frame makes the thermal resistance as low as 300K/W, and the power consumption as high as 200mW, so that the device can use up to 50mA driving current, and the brightness is twice as high as that of Vishay's high-brightness sMDLED with PLCC-2 package. Ultra-low thermal resistance and high power LED chip package is more suitable for applications with small space because of its small size and thin thickness, which brings great convenience to many applications. Compared with other LED chip packages, the requirements for heat dissipation elements are reduced under the condition of keeping the same junction temperature, and the junction temperature is reduced under the condition of using the same heat dissipation elements, thus prolonging the service life of LED packages.