Cranium means brain cap, also refers to head: skull, skull. cranium. cranial cavity. Skull: That is the skull, head. It is composed of brain skull and facial skull. The skull is composed as follows:
The skull is composed of 23 bones of different sizes and shapes, which can be divided into two parts: the brain and the face. Except for the free hyoid bone, which forms a joint between the mandible and the temporal bone, the rest are closely connected through sutures, cartilage or bony unions, forming the bony foundation of the cranial cavity and face to accommodate and protect the brain, sensory organs, and digestive and respiratory organs. Starting part.
The brain has 8 bones, namely 1 ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone, frontal bone, occipital bone, and 2 parietal bones and 2 temporal bones. The facial skull is composed of 15 bones: the unpaired ones include the vomer, mandible, and hyoid bone, and the paired bones include the maxilla, palatine, zygomatic bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, and inferior turbinate bone.
: Overall view of the skull; calvaria: coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, superior sagittal sinus groove, parietal foramen. Lateral view of the skull: external auricle, zygomatic arch, mastoid process, temporal fossa, infratemporal fossa, pterion, pterygomaxillary cleft, pterygopalatine fossa.
Anterior view of the skull: orbit: optic canal, supraorbital, inferior space, lacrimal fossa, lacrimal fossa, infraorbital canal, superior orbital fissure, infraorbital fissure. Bony nasal cavity: bony nasal septum, piriform foramen, choanal aperture, upper, middle and lower turbinates, upper, middle and lower meatus, sphenoethmoidal recess. Paranasal sinuses: maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, ethmoid sinus, sphenoid sinus.
Skull base: External appearance of the skull base: foramen magnum, occipital condyle, rupture cavity, condylar canal, cervical V cavity, external opening of cervical A canal, styloid process, stylomastoid foramen, sublingual N canal External foramen, mandibular fossa, external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, bony palate, incisive foramen, greater palatine foramen, choanasal foramen, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum. Internal view of the skull base: anterior cranial fossa-cockscomb, ethmoid foramen. Middle cranial fossa - pituitary fossa, anterior cross groove, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotunda, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum. Posterior cranial fossa - foramen magnum, slope, internal occipital protuberance, transverse sinus groove, sigmoid sinus groove.