1, Du Binquan's ear type
Du Binquan's ears are divided into vertical ear type and vertical ear type, and different types of ears are treated differently.
Ear-standing ears need to be trimmed for about 3 months, and the hair at the end of the ear needs to be trimmed. The ears should be folded forward and fixed with bandages to let the ears stand up naturally.
Ears with drooping ears need pruning in about 6 months, because it takes longer to grow and develop. It is necessary to trim the hair at the end of the ear, fold the ear forward and fix it with a bandage to let the ear droop naturally.
2. Time point of ear repair
The time of ear repair should be as early as possible in the dog's childhood, because Du Binquan in childhood is more likely to endure the pain and discomfort caused by surgery.
For ears with pricked ears, they are usually trimmed when they are 3-4 months old. Du Binquan is about to complete his growth and development during this period, which is more suitable for surgery.
For drooping ears, you need to wait until the dog is about 6 months old. At this point, Du Bin's drooping ears have completely grown and drooped.
3. How to repair the ear
Ear repair requires an experienced pet doctor or a regular pet hospital for surgery. We should pay attention to the comprehensive examination of Du Binquan before operation to ensure that he is healthy and can bear the pain and discomfort of the operation.
During the operation, Du Binquan needs to be given general anesthesia, then the ear is cut, the operating area is disinfected and the operation is carried out.
Pay special attention to Du Binquan's recuperation after operation, don't let the dog touch the operation area, and don't jump too much to avoid removing the bandage.
4. Nursing care after ear repair
Pay special attention to Du Binquan's nursing after ear repair. Drugs and antibiotics can be used to help Du Binquan prevent infection.
In the process of fixing the ear bandage, the bandage must be kept clean and dry.
Check regularly after operation to ensure that the surgical site develops normally and the bandage does not shift.