In fact, there is no great risk in eye plastic surgery, and canthoplasty surgery is less risky. This is undoubtedly a great advantage of canthoplasty surgery. Canthoplasty surgery is for those with obvious wide epicanthal folds and small beauty seeking. Only through canthoplasty can the epicanthus be corrected, and the width of the distance between the medial canthus can also be corrected. Moreover, canthoplasty surgery is safe and has no scars. No new skin tags will appear that could affect eye size. Canthoplasty surgery is only a simple plastic surgery, but the selected plastic surgery hospital has relatively poor equipment, or the plastic surgeon is not professional enough and has insufficient clinical experience, which may cause the danger of canthoplasty. The risk of canthoplasty surgery lies in the hands of the person seeking beauty, and can be left to their own devices.