After that, few officials dared to make mistakes because they were afraid to see such a serious emperor. Wan has been a very loyal child since he was a child, and he is also very upright. He and his brother went to the world together since childhood, and together they established the State of Jin. At that time, their land was very large and their personnel were very rich. The only deficiency was their weak economic strength. They have no external resources and have to support themselves. Therefore, the people of the whole country, including Emperor Wan, live in poverty. Therefore, Wan felt very depressed, and he especially wanted to go out and eat and drink.
It was normal for many emperors, but it was very stressful for the Jin State at that time. One night, Yan couldn't help it. She stole a handful of money from the vault and went out for a big meal. But the next day, when the financial staff checked the vault, they found that there was less money, so they began to investigate this matter in the process of litigation. These officials have strong investigation ability. When they were in court, they found that Yan feast had stolen money from the state treasury.
Wan didn't say anything at that time. He obeyed the punishment of these officials. Officials at that time did not regard him as an emperor, but acted according to the laws at that time, invited Wan from the dragon chair and beat him with twenty sticks. I helped Sheng back after the fight. Therefore, I want to lose my temper, but I can't find any reason. He can only praise the fairness and justice of these officials.