# include & lt string & gt
# include & ltiostream & gt
Use namespace std
void main()
String a;
CIN & gt; & gta;
for(; ; )
If (a & lt25 minutes. & ampa & gt"0")
if(atof(a . c _ str())= = atoi(a . c _ str()))
Cout & lt& lt is entered incorrectly, please re-enter.
CIN & gt; & gta;
Cout & lt& lt is entered incorrectly, please re-enter.
CIN & gt; & gta;
cout & lt& lta & lt& ltendl
int b = atof(a . c _ str());
cout & lt& ltb & lt& ltendl
System ("suspended");
You try!
Supplement: In fact, you can think about this problem from another angle, and replace your comnumber with char type, and then judge.
If 17 is input from the keyboard, it is not received by %d, but converted into "17" by %s, which is easy to judge; As for how to judge, I have an example above.