1 PS refers to postscript, meaning "remarks and notes";
2 PS refers to Photoshop, a famous professional image processing software, which is used by almost all advertising companies and graphic design companies;
3 PS refers to Sony's play station, and subsequent versions include PS2, PSP and PS3.
4 PS refers to politics, that is, "politics", which is a branch of science;
5 PS refers to polystyrene, which is a thermoplastic synthetic resin. Its biggest application field is the electronic/electrical appliance industry. ...
Postscript or photoshop abbreviation
Sony game console: play station abbreviation
Fear of death
Postscript (same as postscript); Police sergeant
Pacific Southwest Airlines Pacific Southwest Airlines [USA];
Passenger ship;
Performance standard performance standard;
Permanent Secretary [United Kingdom];
British pharmaceutical society;
Language Institute [English];
Physical science Physical science;
Sentinel ship (radar) sentinel ship;
Planning research plan research;
Plastic surgery;
Point of turnout;
Polarization acoustics;
Polystyrene polystyrene;
Power supply;
Press secretary press secretary;
Pressure switch pressure switch;
Prestress prestress;
Process specification operation instructions;
Process storage operation [working] memory;
Procurement specification; procurement specification;
Product standard product standard (NBS);
Programming system programming system;
Propellant supply;
Proton synchrotron;
Public safety is safe;
Public service public enterprises;
Cable switch;
Pulse shaper; Pulse forming circuit