Is cupping effective? Is acupuncture useful or acupuncture useful? Is it harmful to your health?
Cupping and acupuncture are handed down from our ancestors with a long history, which is of course useful. Because there are meridians in the human body, which are invisible and intangible, the meridians are unobstructed and healthy, and the meridians are impassable. Over time, some diseases came out. As for "acupuncture", do you mean intravenous drip? If so, frequent intravenous drip will destroy the immune function of human body and gradually reduce physical fitness, but this is also a trial situation. For example, if you have a high fever now, cupping and scraping are impossible. If there is a fire, scraping from the inside out will be very effective. What if it's another disease? What if there is a delay? That is to say, we should treat it dialectically. Nothing is absolutely better than bad. Cupping is popular now, and many bathhouses have cupping scraping, but you can't get water after cupping scraping, because the pores open after cupping scraping, and the moisture in the bath will go in immediately. It is these cold and dampness pathogens that block the meridians.