At present, the defenders and the people in the city are fully defending. During the sixty days when the Qing soldiers besieged the city, Song, the governor of Shandong Province, personally went to the city to fight. "I don't know how to wear it, regardless of eyelashes, my hair is all white." I stayed on the wall day and night, inspiring soldiers to live and die with the city. In the twelfth year of Chongzhen (1639), on the second day of the first month, he was injured and captured, and was tied to the gatehouse by Qing soldiers and burned to death. The scene of sacrifice is heroic and tragic. Later generations miss him, and for a long time it was said that he did not die, but became a monk and fled.
Deng Qian, who took part in politics in Jinan, stuck to the city wall 10 day and night at the most intense moment of fighting, and personally loaded a gun to bombard the Qing army until he was "at the end of his tether". After the fall of the city, many Qing soldiers were still shot with bows, and were killed by the Qing army after being injured. In addition, many people used all their money to recruit villagers to form rural soldiers to resist the Qing army until they died. "In short, Jinan soldiers and civilians fought bloody battles with the Qing army for 60 days.
After the city of Jinan was broken, the political envoy and the magistrate of Jinan were all killed. When the Qing army retreated, it took all the King De and the captured officers and soldiers away, and then set fire to the city, and the whole Jinan was burned and robbed.