Operating environment: Lenovo rescuer Y7000, Windows 1 1, the latest version of Photoshop software.
1, first open the picture you want to edit and a picture with abdominal muscles in Photoshop, and then click the lasso tool in the toolbar.
2. Then frame the abdominal muscle range of the picture, and then click Ctrl+J to copy it into a layer.
3. Then drag the layer onto the picture you want to edit.
4. Then copy a role layer, then hold down Ctrl and click the thumbnail of the abdominal muscle layer, then select the role layer, and then click Select, Modify and Shrink. Shrinkage is 5, and then click OK.
5. Then click the delete key to delete the selection, and then hold down the shift key to select two layers.
6. Then click Auto-Blend Layer in the edit, then check the panoramic and seamless tones and colors, and click OK.
7. You can finally see the effect.