dd 1? dw? 2
dd2? dw? 0
qd0? dd? 1? ; 4 bytes
qd 1? dd? 2
qd2? dd? 0
dseg? end
? Hypothetically? cs:cseg,? ds:dseg
cseg? stage
mov? ax,? dseg
mov? ds,? cut down on
; 1 byte
mov? a 1,d0
Supplement? al,d 1? ; ? d0+d 1
mov? d2,al? ; ? Save? Where to? d2
; 2? byte
mov? ax,? dd0
Supplement? ax,? dd 1
mov? dd2,? cut down on
; 4byte?
mov? ax,? Words? ptr? qd0? ; The low data is at the low address, and the high data is at the high address.
Supplement? ax,? Words? ptr? qd 1? ; Low order data addition
mov? Words? ptr? qd2,? Axe? ; Save to the low bit of qd2.
mov? ax,? Words? ptr? qd0+2? ; high position
adc? ax,? Words? ptr? qd 1+2? ; If you add a position at a high position and add a position at a low position, it is possible to carry it.
mov? Words? ptr? qd2+2,? Axe? ; Save the high position. If the higher-order sum has carry, it is not handled here.
mov? Axe, 4c00h
int? 2 1h
cseg? end
End? begin