Different Select Case Index index correspond to different processing methods.
Case 0 If the index is 0, execute fndtomsh, and there is no description of this function in the provided code.
Case 1 If the index is 1, the dc method is executed.
direct current
Case 4 If the index is 4, it should be an operation such as releasing the form or closing the form.
Unload me.
End selection
End joint
Sub-DC DC method
The following is a typical method of operating execel using Microsoft office interface, and there are many examples on the Internet.
Dim ExcelApp as an object
Dim ExcelWorkBook as an object
Dim ExcelWorkSheet as an object
Go to ErrH when an error occurs.
set excel app = createobject(" excel。 Application ")' Create Excel.
Set excel workbook = excel. Workbooks.add create an excel document book.
Set excel worksheet = excel workbook. Worksheet (1)' Create a worksheet in the document.
Excelapp。 Visible = true' excel operation is visible.
Because i = 0 to MSH. The msh is not mentioned in the Rows- 1 method. It should be a parameter in the following form.
Is a double loop, set for each row and column.
For j = 0 to MSH. Cols - 1
Assign the specified column of the specified row to I and J corresponding to MSH. Text matrix
ExcelWorkSheet.cells(i + 1,j + 1) = MSH。 Text matrix (i, j)
outlet connection
ErrH: If there is an error and you jump here, here is the excel resource to release the call.
ExcelApp。 give up
Set ExcelApp = Nothing.
Set ExcelWorkBook = Nothing.
Set ExcelWorkSheet = Nothing.
MsgBox error. describe
How much is a class for Li Xiang's hairdressing lecturer?
He has many public welfare courses, and the current courses are not expensive