To tell the truth, there are not many places to see in Qingdao, but Ningbo is different. Mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River are everywhere. Unlike other southern cities, Ningbo has four distinct seasons. Then it will be fine. Qingdao is an ideal place for northerners to settle down, but personally, northerners know little about the south. But there is no heating in Ningbo, and it won't be very cold in winter anyway. However, if there are elderly people at home, heating should be considered in winter. Qingdao does not have this problem, because everyone has heating.
Economically, Ningbo people are very flexible, Qingdao is Shandong after all, honest but rigid, and new things take a long time to be easily accepted. Ningbo is more dynamic and suitable for starting a business. You see, Ningbo is very developed, because private enterprises are everywhere and local policies are very flexible. Of course, competition also exists.
Personally, I think the south is generally cleaner than the north, which may be due to the climate.
The land price in Ningbo is unknown in recent years. It was very cheap a few years ago, and all the locals lived in their own villas.
It is common for local owners to buy a piece of land in the local area. In Qingdao, you will find it difficult to buy a bigger house.
Long-term residence, or Ningbo Many software and hardware in the south are better than those in the north, and life is very satisfactory.