Legal basis: Level I Appraisal of the Disability Degree of Workers' Injuries and Occupational Diseases: those who have lost or completely lost their functions and other organs can't be replaced, have special medical dependence, and can't take care of themselves completely or mostly; Grade II: those with serious organ defect or deformity, serious dysfunction or complications, special medical dependence, or unable to take care of themselves for most of their lives; Grade III: those with serious organ defect or deformity, serious dysfunction or complications, special medical dependence, or unable to take care of themselves in part of their lives; Grade 4: those with severe organ defect or deformity, serious dysfunction or complications, special medical dependence and self-care; Grade five: most of the organs are defective or obviously deformed, with serious dysfunction or complications, general medical dependence and self-care; Grade 6: most of the organs are defective or obviously deformed, with moderate dysfunction or complications, general medical dependence and self-care; Grade 7: most of the organs are defective or deformed, with mild dysfunction or complications, general medical dependence and self-care; Abnormal, mild dysfunction, no medical dependence, can take care of themselves; Grade 1: those with partial organ defect, abnormal morphology, no dysfunction, no medical dependence and self-care. At the same time, the standard is based on the fact that work-related injuries and occupational diseases can affect every system and organ, and the disability assessment standard should cover the situation of major clinical disciplines, and divide the clinical sciences with similar or related human organ systems into five parts, namely: first, neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry; Two: orthopedics, plastic surgery, burns; Three: ophthalmology, otolaryngology and stomatology; Four: general surgery, thoracic surgery, urogenital department (including gynecology); Part V: Occupational disease internal medicine.