In some remote places, doctors' income is calculated according to the number of people who see a doctor. It takes about 10 yuan to see a patient. If you were in the city, you might earn hundreds of dollars that day.
But there are few people in these remote places, which may cost thousands of dollars a month.
In cities, patients go to hospitals for medical treatment, while in rural areas, there are many places that need "home service". That is, a phone call, you may have to walk several kilometers to see a doctor at someone else's house.
Moreover, this toll is still not reimbursed, and doctors can only go by bike or on foot.
Therefore, the present situation of rural doctors in China is really not optimistic. Many people can't persist and finally quit.
Because you can't even support yourself, let alone support your family. Although many people chose this road for their dreams and to help more talents, they finally gave up because of reality.