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Pointer type description, that is, defining a variable as a pointer variable;
Pointer variable name;
The data type of the variable to which the variable value (pointer) points.
Its general form is:
Type specifier
* variable name;
Where * indicates that this is a pointer variable, the variable name is the defined pointer variable name, and the type specifier indicates the data type of the variable pointed by the pointer variable.
For example:
Internationalorganizations (same as international organizations)
* p 1;
P 1 is a pointer variable whose value is the address of an integer variable. Or p 1 points to an integer variable. As to which integer variable p 1 points to, it should be decided by the address given to p 1.
Another example is:
Internationalorganizations (same as international organizations)
* p2
/*p2 is a pointer variable to an integer variable */
* p3
/*p3 is a pointer variable */
* p4
/*p4 is a pointer variable to a character variable */
It should be noted that pointer variables can only point to variables of the same type, such as P3.
You can only point to floating-point variables, not floating-point variables and character variables.