Washing this kind of clothes requires low-temperature washing and hand washing alone. Especially dark colors, such as red, green and black, remember to wash them separately from other clothes to avoid floating colors falling off and polluting other clothes. —— The floating color of clothes does not affect the visual effect of the upper body, but mixed washing may be dyed on other clothes. Soaking is the most taboo, and it must not exceed 15 minutes. After rinsing with clear water, it is best to directly wet and dry.
When drying clothes, level them, or there will be obvious marks after drying. If it is twisted, it must be shaken and fluffy before drying. It should be dried in a cool place to avoid sun exposure, so as to avoid fading of dark clothes. Turn the inside out when drying in the sun. Avoid long-term exposure to the sun, so as not to reduce the fastness and cause fading and yellowing. Wash and dry.
Ironing is not recommended. Steam ironing can be used if necessary.
Dark and light colors are stored separately; Pay attention to ventilation, avoid humidity, so as to avoid mildew.
2, hemp. Generally, it is flax (flax is the general name of fabrics containing more than 55% hemp, which can be subdivided into cotton hemp, sticky hemp and pure flax. According to the knitting method, it can be subdivided into slub hemp, mesh hemp and so on. ).
Cold water washing (dark colors such as red, green and black, remember to wash them separately from other clothes), refer to the washing method of cotton fabric (low temperature clean water washing, hand washing alone, to avoid floating color falling off and polluting other clothes). Soaking is the most taboo, and it must not exceed 15 minutes. ), but it is softer than cotton fabric when washed. Avoid hard scrubbing, hard scrubbing and twisting.
Don't spin it dry after airing and washing, twist it gently, and flatten it slowly by hand after airing until it is half dry, as much as possible before washing. Remember not to stretch the clothes too tightly, otherwise it will lead to the clothes going out of shape (some MM say that the clothes are getting smaller and smaller, while others say that the clothes are getting bigger and bigger because of the wrong washing method). Soaking clothes for too long or stretching them too hard will damage them and lead to deformation. Be sure to read the nursing instructions and take good care of her.
After ironing is completely dry, iron linen slowly with an electric iron. The ironing temperature of hemp fabric is relatively high, generally 180-200℃, and the ironing effect is the best. After ironing linen fabric, its elegant and generous fabric style is highlighted.
Storage can be folded, but it must be folded flat and not too heavy.
3. Silk. Electrospinning for opening, plain weave, crepe de chine, satin, velvet, crown yarn, Xiangyun yarn and blended silk floss.
Don't wash any kind of silk with bleach. Avoid alkaline detergents (including soap) and choose neutral or silk special detergents; Wash separately with cold water or warm water below 30 degrees, and it is not advisable to soak for a long time; Gently backwash to avoid twisting and hard brush scrubbing; Some silk fabrics should be dry-cleaned; Rinse the dark color with clear water to avoid fading; Wash immediately after sweating. If there is dirt, you can wipe off the sweat stains on your clothes with a towel dipped in cold water, or gently brush the dirty part with a soft brush and then wash it with cold water.
Hang water in the sun, dry in the shade, not exposed to the sun, not dry, so as not to reduce the fastness and cause fading, yellowing and color deterioration.
For medium and low temperature ironing, it is best to wear interlining.
Avoid contact with rough or acid-base substances during storage; Before collection, it should be washed, ironed and dried. Avoid hanging on hard metal hooks. It's best to fold them and wrap them in cloth. Mothballs should not be placed, otherwise they will turn yellow and brittle.
4. Viscose fiber. Natural fibers were extracted from wood pulp and cotton linters, and then these natural fibers were treated by special technology. The types used by home users are: modal cotton (modal 47.5% cotton 47.5% polyester 5%), rayon, rayon (rayon), and many blended fabrics contain viscose. Its advantages are good hygroscopicity (the strongest among ordinary chemical fibers), good air permeability and comfortable wearing. The fabric is smooth, soft, silky, smooth to the touch, good in dyeability and not easy to fade. Disadvantages are not washable, wear-resistant, easy to fluff, acid and alkali-resistant.
Wash with water 1, and soak with water for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the dirt in the lotion will soak into the fiber again; 2. Viscose fiber fabric hardens when it meets water, and the fiber structure is very unstable. Wash lightly when washing to avoid fuzzing or cracking; 3. Use neutral detergent or low-alkali detergent, and the temperature of the washing liquid should not exceed 35 degrees; 4. When draining water after washing, fold the clothes and squeeze out a lot of water to avoid twisting to avoid excessive deformation; 5. After washing with emulsion, wash with clean warm water first, and then wash with cold water. Otherwise, some detergents will be fixed on clothes, which are not easy to wash off and will make light-colored clothes yellow.
Avoid exposure to the sun after drying and washing, and put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry, so as to avoid fading and reduce the life of the fabric.
Ironing low-temperature pad cloth ironing, use less push and pull when ironing, so that clothes can be naturally stretched and aligned.
Minimize friction and pulling when storing and wearing, and change frequently to prevent deformation after wearing for a long time; After washing, drying and ironing, they should be stacked flat and open in light and dark colors, and should not be hung in the wardrobe for a long time to avoid elongation and deformation; Because of its strong hygroscopicity, mildew caused by high temperature, high humidity and unclean environment should be prevented when collecting.
5. polyester fiber. The fabrics used are mostly georgette and imitation satin. When you wear it at ordinary times, you should pay attention to avoid contact with rough surfaces to prevent snagging and damage to folded tissues.
When washing, ordinary soap should not be used, and neutral detergent should be used; Don't rub hard, and don't brush with a brush.
Be sure to rinse it after drying, otherwise it is easy to appear flower stalls and spots. Squeeze water gently and dry evenly.
Don't iron the ironed clothes again, so as not to wrinkle them.
When storing georgette yarns, fold them and put them in the box. Don't hang them for long. Otherwise, they will hang longer and longer under the action of gravity, and their shape and telescopic state will be destroyed.
6, washed skin (PU). Since Xiaofeng's One or Two Things about Leather and Life was published on May 3, 2009, all things related to leather will not appear in Rip stores (definitely not fur makers).
Washing can't be dry-cleaned, it can only be washed with water and the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Don't use washing powder when washing, you can choose neutral shampoo or bath milk, and the shorter the washing time, the better to reduce fading. Can be dipped in water and detergent to avoid gasoline scrubbing.
Dry to avoid sun exposure.
Ironing If necessary, please iron with a low-temperature pad cloth.
Do not touch organic solvents during storage, and apply a layer of leather protection liquid during maintenance to make it soft and shiny as new.
② Imitation satin. A kind of polyester, with silky luster, is easy to take care of and not delicate.
6, washed skin (PU). Since Xiaofeng's One or Two Things about Leather and Life was published on May 3, 2009, all things related to leather will not appear in Rip stores (definitely not fur makers).
Washing can't be dry-cleaned, it can only be washed with water and the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Don't use washing powder when washing, you can choose neutral shampoo or bath milk, and the shorter the washing time, the better to reduce fading. Can be dipped in water and detergent to avoid gasoline scrubbing.
Dry to avoid sun exposure.
Ironing If necessary, please iron with a low-temperature pad cloth.
Do not touch organic solvents during storage, and apply a layer of leather protection liquid during maintenance to make it soft and shiny as new.
7. hair. Ripper uses pure cashmere, wool fabrics and their blended textiles (the composition will be marked). Check the ingredients in the table above the big picture of Baby Link. There are also some peacock feathers used in accessories.
Choose a neutral detergent for washing, preferably a special detergent for wool, soak in cold water for a short time, and the washing temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Don't use the pulsator washing machine for machine washing. It is recommended to use the drum washing machine first and choose the light washing gear. It is recommended to dry-clean all-wool or high-grade clothes blended with wool and other fibers; Jackets and suits should be dry-cleaned and not washed; Never scrub with a washboard.
Drying adopts extrusion washing to avoid wringing, extrusion dehydration, spreading in the shade or folding in the shade to avoid exposure; Wet shaping or semi-dry shaping can remove wrinkles. Choose a cool and ventilated place to cool down.
One of the characteristics of ironing wool is its excellent elasticity. As long as enough humidity is given, it can be restored to its original state. If there are annoying wrinkles on the sweater, you can adjust the steam electric iron to low temperature and iron it at a distance of 1~2cm from the wool coat. You can also put a towel on the sweater and iron it, so it won't hurt the wool fibers and leave no hot marks.
Avoid contact with sharp, rough and strongly alkaline articles during storage, and store them after thorough drying, and put in proper amount of mildew-proof and moth-proof chemicals. During the collection, the cabinet should be opened regularly, ventilated and kept dry; In the hot and humid season, it is necessary to dry it several times to prevent mildew.