Through what way is hepatitis B spread?
Suggestion: Hello, the transmission route of hepatitis B is as follows: 1. Mother-to-child transmission, mainly through placenta and breast milk. Second, through blood transmission, contact with contaminated blood products or input of contaminated blood may spread, and other plastic surgery institutions, ear holes and tattoos may also cause infection. Third, through sexual transmission, mainly through male semen and female vaginal secretions, especially for homosexuals and those with unclean sexual life. Four, close contact with the spread of life, such as the use of toothbrushes, towels, teacups, chopsticks, etc., ordinary contact with life will not be infected with hepatitis B, such as working in the office, shaking hands, hugging, living in the dormitory, eating in the same restaurant, using the toilet, etc., do not panic, generally will not be infected with hepatitis B.