1. Answer: The plural form of the nominative personal pronoun she is they.
2. Grammar: English * * * has seven personal pronouns to replace the names of people or things. These personal pronouns are I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they (she, it). Among them, there are I, he, she, it in the singular, and we, you, they in the plural. Beginners of English should pay special attention to personal pronouns in the third person singular. In the simple present tense, the subsequent verbs should be changed into single or triple forms, that is, -s or -es should be added at the end of the verb, and does should be used when using auxiliary verbs. When used with the verb be(am, is, are), the singular meaning of is is always used, that is, he is, she is and it is. This kind of cooperation rules must be memorized, so it is easier to learn English.
3. Example:
① We are teachers. They are workers. We have different occupations. We are teachers. They are doctors. We have different occupations.
② He is an early riser while she is a late-riser. He gets up early, while she gets up late.