1. Pay attention to protecting blood vessels during calf liposuction: The fat in the calf and ankle is mainly composed of surface fat, and there is little deep fat in these two places. Therefore, the liposuction surgery in these two places is mainly performed on the surface, which means that the risk of damage to the subcutaneous blood vessels will be relatively high. Due to the effects of gravity, the lower legs and ankles are susceptible to the long-term effects of venous and vascular injuries. 2. Avoid the forbidden area of ??leg liposuction: The leg cavity located on the back of the knee contains important nerves and blood vessels, which are particularly vulnerable to damage by the liposuction cannula. Therefore, never attempt liposuction in this area. 3. Pay attention to open drainage after calf liposuction: If open drainage is not used after liposuction of the calf and ankle, postoperative swelling will become a major problem for the recipient. By utilizing open drainage after surgery (leaving the wound open without suturing), swelling will be kept to a minimum and disappear within a few days. Open drainage after liposuction requires the doctor to create several small drainage openings (small openings of 1 mm to 1.5 mm in diameter) in the lower legs and ankles. These small openings can accelerate the discharge of residual drugs in the waste blood that remains in the body, thereby controlling the pain of swelling. Place an absorbent pad over the excretion port or wear a compression bandage to absorb drained body fluids. 4. Relieve swelling through walking: In the days after surgery, you should take regular walks. Walking can speed up fluid drainage and reduce swelling. Liposuction using an open drainage method does not require bed rest or leg elevation to relieve swelling after surgery. 5. Avoid excessive calf liposuction: It is not advisable to try to remove all fat from the calf and ankle. Excessive calf liposuction can damage blood vessels. The skin and muscles of the calves and ankles are closely connected in many places, and the fat layer is very thin. In this case, if the patient gains weight due to different reasons after liposuction, some parts will swell and become lumps, while some parts will remain unchanged. This will result in uneven legs and lines. Unsmooth phenomenon. This is contrary to the purpose of liposuction surgery to create a perfect body shape and the concept of natural and harmonious body shaping. Therefore, the degree of calf liposuction must also be controlled carefully. Calf liposuction is different from other forms of liposuction. In calf liposuction, attention should be paid to protecting blood vessels and preventing damage to them. The above are the five aspects that Changchun Zhongyan Plastic Surgery Hospital introduces to you when doing calf liposuction.