Sample questions of senior high school biology Olympic Games I. Multiple-choice questions (each question 1 point, *** 100 point)
1. The following do not belong to the life system.
A. Carp in the pond B. Carp muscle
C. nucleic acids in muscle cells D. all living things in the lake
2. Which of the following four organisms is obviously different from the other three in cell structure?
A. yeast B. lactic acid bacteria C. Penicillium D. mushroom
3. A scientific research unit provided two bottles of extract, both of which only contained protein and nucleic acid. So, which group of substances do you think these two bottles of extracts are most likely to belong to?
A. bacteria and viruses B. bacteria and nuclei C. chromosomes and viruses D. viruses and nuclei
All prokaryotic cells have the following structures
A. Cell membrane and chloroplast B. Ribosomes and mitochondria C. Centrosomes and endoplasmic reticulum D. Cell membrane and ribosomes
5. The virus may contain
A. only DNA B. only RNA C. DNA and RNA D. DNA or RNA
6. The figure on the right is a category relation diagram composed of three circles, where I is the big circle and II and III are the small circles in the big circle. According to this category relationship,
A.I deoxyribonucleic acid, II ribonucleic acid, III nucleic acid
B.I chromosome, II DNA and III gene
C. class I sterols, class II cholesterol, and class III vitamin D.
D.I protein, enzyme II, hormone III.
7. If the average molecular weight of 20 amino acids is 128, the molecular weight of 1 cyclic polypeptide consisting of 100 amino acids is
a . 12800 b . 1 10 18 c . 1 1000d . 1 1036
8. The number of nucleotide types containing bases A, G, C and T in the nucleic acid contained in soybean root tip cells is * * *.
A.8 B. 7 C. 5 D. 4
9. The following organelles can produce water in their life activities: ① ribosome ② chloroplast ③ centrosome ④ mitochondria.
A.①②④ B.①③④ C. ②③④ D. ③④
10. Which of the following organelles is not covered by membrane?
A. Golgi nucleoli of mitochondrial plastid
1 1. The biofilm that constitutes biofilm system refers to
A. biofilm connected in structure b, especially various organelle membranes in cells.
1 1. The biofilm that constitutes biofilm system refers to
A. biofilm connected in structure b, especially various organelle membranes in cells.
C all membrane structures in cells are biomembranes, which are functionally related to each other.
12. Glucose enters capillaries through intestinal mucosa epithelium, and the number of phospholipid molecules to be penetrated is at least
A.4th Floor B.6th Floor C.8th Floor D. 10 Floor
13. In the following cell structures, what ordinary optical microscopes cannot distinguish is
A. chromosome B. vacuole C. ribosome D. chloroplast
14. The following substances enter cells without the help of vectors.
A. amino acids B. inorganic salts C.C6H 12O6 D. fat-soluble vitamins.
15. The picture shows a bag made of small intestine, which contains substance M and an enzyme that can decompose M. This bag is placed in distilled water in a container. When I checked the water the next day, I found that the water only contained substance X. According to this observation, which of the following conclusions could not be drawn?
A. this enzyme decomposes substance X.
B. The substance M in the bag is decomposed.
C.x is the component of substance m.
D.x substance can pass through the wall of small intestine.
16. The right figure shows that the enzyme activity is a function of temperature. At the temperature t 1, the following statement is correct.
The energy of substrate is too high to form a stable complex with enzyme.
B, the reaction is spontaneous, without enzyme.
C. the reaction product becomes unstable.
D. thermal denaturation of enzyme
17. Most of the enzymes needed to produce enzyme preparations come from microorganisms. this is because
A. enzymes mainly exist in microorganisms.
B. Up to now, people can't directly extract enzymes from animal organs and tissues.
C. Compared with animals and plants, microorganisms have the advantages of easy culture, rapid reproduction and convenience for large-scale production.
D. None of the above three answers are correct.
18. Red blood cells in human body have no mitochondria, but they can carry oxygen. The main source of energy needed by red blood cells is utilization.
A. glucose, aerobic respiration B. lactic acid, aerobic respiration
C. glucose, anaerobic respiration D. lactic acid, anaerobic respiration
19. 500 grams of soybeans were made into 2500 grams of soybean sprouts, and the changes of total organic matter during this process were as follows.
A. neither increase nor decrease B. decrease C. neither increase nor decrease D. none of the above is true
20. Using greenhouse to grow vegetables in winter can improve economic benefits, but it is necessary to adjust the relevant conditions of greenhouse to improve the quality and quality of products. The following measures and methods are correct.
(1) Due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the greenhouse, a water film will be formed on the greenhouse film (or glass), which should be dried in time to prevent the light transmittance from decreasing; (2) increase the light appropriately to make up for the lack of sunshine in winter; ③ Increase air humidity as much as possible to reduce plant transpiration; (4) regularly releasing carbon dioxide gas into the greenhouse to increase the intensity of photosynthesis; ⑤ Release oxygen to the greenhouse regularly to reduce the respiratory intensity; ⑤ Try to keep the greenhouse temperature constant in winter.
A.①②④ B.②④⑥ C.②③④ D.④⑤⑥
2 1. The transportation of mineral nutrients in winter evergreen plants in northern China is weakened or almost stopped, mainly because
A. absorption is weakened B. transpiration is weakened C. photosynthesis is weakened D. respiration is weakened
22. The following statement about plant respiration is correct.
Whether a can produce carbon dioxide is the main difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
B. Higher plants can only breathe aerobically, not anaerobically.
Pyruvate, an intermediate product of respiration, can cross the double membrane of mitochondria.
D. the air-dried seeds stored in the warehouse will not breathe.
23. Yeast performs anaerobic respiration to produce one mole of CO2. Usually, if people consume the same amount of glucose, CO2 will be formed.
A.3a/2mol b.a/12mol c.6mol d.3mol.
Green plants can't be in a dark room.
A. growth B. respiration C. synthesis of chlorophyll D. absorption of mineral elements
25. The following statement is correct.
A. the aggregation energy and release energy of A.ATP molecules are related to phosphate molecules.
B. In an ecosystem, energy is often recycled with materials.
In photosynthesis, light energy is stored in sugar in its original form.
Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis and respiration.
26. The following statement is correct during the decomposition of glucose into pyruvate in cytoplasm.
A. Anaerobic respiration in mitochondria B. It needs to be carried out under aerobic conditions
C. CO2 will not be generated. D. the reaction speed is not affected by temperature.
27. When a cell begins to divide, if its chromosome number is N and its DNA content is Q, what is the DNA content and chromosome number in each daughter cell after mitosis?
A.N and Q B. N/2 and Q/2
C.N and Q/2 D
28. The picture below shows the movement of chromosomes during mitosis. Curve a represents the average distance between the centromere of chromosome and the corresponding pole of spindle filament. The late stage of cell division begins in
A. After 20 minutes
B. sometime between 0 and 10 minutes.
C. 10 minutes later
D. Ten minutes later
29. In human skin cells, how many chromosomes can be observed in the late mitosis?
A.23 B. 46 C. 69 D. 92
30. Silkworm silk gland cells can produce a lot of protein, which is called silk protein. These cells do not produce plasma protein in blood, so they are presumed to be silk gland cells.
A. Only silk protein gene B. There are plasma protein and silk protein genes
C there are silk protein genes and other genes, but there are fewer genes without plasma protein than zygotes.
3 1. The phenotypic ratio of monogenic hybrids whose parents are homozygous and completely dominant in F2
a . 3∶ 1 b . 1∶2∶ 1 c . 9∶3∶3∶ 1d . 1∶ 1
32. The genotype aaBb crosses AABb, and the genotype that is impossible to appear in the next generation is:
33. A boy's blood type is O, his mother is A and his father is B. What is the probability that this boy's sister has the same blood type as him?
A. 1/ 16 b . 1/8 c . 1/4d . 1/2
34. In sweet pea, when two different dominant genes, A and B, coexist, red flowers will bloom. A safflower plant was crossed with a plant with genotype aaBb, and 3/8 of the offspring bloomed safflower; If this safflower plant is allowed to self-cross, the proportion of heterozygotes in the inbred offspring safflower plant is as follows
A. 1/9 B. 2/9 C. 5/9 D.8/9
35. The progeny of individuals whose genotype is AaBbCcDd (4 pairs of genes are independently inherited and B and B are not fully dominant) are as follows.
A.27 genotype, 16 phenotype B.8 1 genotype, 16 phenotype.
C. 16 genotype, 8 1 phenotype D.8 1 genotype, 24 phenotype.
36. Sheep with Hh genotype have horns, sheep with HH genotype have no horns, sheep with HH genotype have no horns, and rams have horns. At present, a sheep with horns gave birth to a lamb with horns. The sex and genotype of this lamb are respectively
A. male, hh B. female, hh C. male, hh D. female, hh
37.AA? Aa hybrid F 1 selfed until the first generation. What will happen to each new generation?
A. the percentage of heterozygotes decreased. The percentage of heterozygotes remains the same.
C. the heterozygosity increased. D. the genotype ratio (3: 1) remained unchanged.
38. Which of the following phenomena is the result of gene recombination?
A. asexual reproduction and hybridization B. asexual reproduction and meiosis
C. Sexual reproduction and crossover D. Sexual reproduction and meiosis
39. The zygote of Drosophila melanogaster has 8 chromosomes, 4 of which are from the female parent (egg) and 4 from the male parent (sperm). When a fertilized egg develops into an adult and the adult produces gametes (eggs or sperm, depending on the sex), how many chromosomes in each gamete come from the male parent and how many from the female parent?
A.4 from father, 4 from mother.
B, four eggs from the female parent and four sperm from the male parent.
C. 1 from one parent, 3 from another parent.
D.0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 comes from the female parent, and 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0 comes from the male parent (* * * has five possibilities).
40. The picture on the right shows a family member suffering from autosomal recessive diseases. Ask the fourth one
The probability of a child suffering from this disease is (the shadow represents the disease)
0% B.25% C.50% D. 100%
4 1. Which process of cell division can meet the necessary conditions of Mendel's law separation?
A. Centromere division B. Chromosome replication C. Homologous chromosome pairing D. Cross exchange
42. Mules formed by crossing horses (2N=64) and donkeys (2N=62) are highly infertile because
A. the chromosomes of horses and donkeys can't be saved. B. changes in chromosome structure.
C. disorder of homologous chromosome association in meiosis d. There are essential differences in genetic material between horses and donkeys.
43. If an albino woman with normal color vision (whose father is red-green color blind) marries a normal man (whose father is albino), please predict the probability that their children will be normal.
? a . 1/2b . 3/8 c . 1/4d . 1/8
44. If male fruit flies with small eyes mate with female fruit flies with normal eyes, there will be 77 male fruit flies with normal eyes and 78 female fruit flies with small eyes. What is the inheritance of small eyes?
? A. autosomal dominant B. autosomal recessive C. with x dominant D. with x recessive
45. An adult man is a carrier of pathogenic genes, and the following cells in his body may not contain pathogenic genes.
A. some neurons in the brain B. spermatogonia C. all somatic cells D. some sperm cells
46. There is an albino heterozygote in about 70 people with normal phenotype. A woman with normal phenotype and normal parents has an albino brother who married a normal man who is not related by blood. What are the chances of their children suffering from albinism?
? a . 1/ 140 b . 1/280 c . 1/420d . 1/560
47. If the DNA content in somatic cells of an organism is 2n, the DNA content in spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte, spermatocyte and sperm should be as follows.
A .2n、2n、4n、n、n B 4n、2n、n、n、n
C.2n、4n、2n、n、n、D n、4n、2n、n、2n
48. Phage DNA was labeled with 32P, then infected with unlabeled E.coli. About ten minutes later, a new DNA molecule synthesized in bacteria was also labeled with 32P. The experimental results show that
A.DNA is the main genetic material. DNA can replicate and maintain continuity.
C.DNA can transcribe RNA. DNA can guide the synthesis of protein.
49. The code encoding 20 amino acids is
A.20 species B.6 1 species C.64 species D.4 species.
50.DNA fragment 5? ATCGTGTACC3? Transcription will produce mRNA fragments.
5 1. In the relationship between plasma, interstitial fluid and lymph, the wrong statement is
A. Some substances in plasma can form interstitial fluid through capillaries. B interstitial fluid can diffuse and permeate with plasma.
C. Some tissue fluids can penetrate into lymphatic capillaries to form lymph. D lymph and interstitial fluid can diffuse and permeate each other.
52. Under normal circumstances, the following substances belong to the human internal environment.
① Hemoglobin ② Glucose ③ Inorganic salt ④ Hormone ⑤ Urea
A.①②③④⑤ B.②③④⑤ C.②③④ D.②③
53. The picture on the right shows the microstructure pattern of synapses. In the figure, ① ② ③ ④ represents liquids distributed in different parts, which directly constitute the internal environment.
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
54. The picture on the right shows the local internal environment of the human body. The following statement is incorrect.
A. If someone takes too little protein for a long time, it will cause the increase of liquid C ..
B.2 The internal environment of structural cells is lymph.
C. When people have allergic reaction, the permeability of 1 structure may increase.
The O2 concentration in D.A solution is always higher than that in C solution.
55. Inject insulin into human blood.
A. it will reduce the production of glycogen. It will increase the consumption of glucose by muscles.
C. it will strengthen glycogen decomposition. It will increase blood sugar content.
56. The path of nerve impulse conduction is correct.
A. Dendrites? Synapse? Axons of nerve cell bodies B. Axons? Nerve cell body? Dendrites? Conjunctive contact
C. Dendrites? Nerve cell body? Axons? Synaptic d dendrites? Synapse? Axons? Nerve cell body
57. The basic way of neuromodulation is
A. reflection B. reaction C. pressure D. negative feedback adjustment
58. Immune cells that cannot kill target cells
A.t cells B.B cells C. Macrophages D.NK cells
59. When mice and frogs move from a greenhouse at about 25℃ to an environment at 5℃, their oxygen consumption will change as follows: a. Decrease, increase B. Decrease, decrease C. Increase D. Increase, decrease.
60. The transmission characteristics of neuromuscular junction excitement are as follows
A. No time delay B. Two-way transmission C. Chemical transmission D. Not easily affected by environmental factors
6 1. When giving oxygen to patients with severe hypoxia, 5% CO2 should be mixed in pure oxygen to maintain the excitement of respiratory center, which belongs to
A. Neuroregulation B. Humoral regulation C. Hormone regulation D. Endocrine regulation
62. Which of the following phenomena belongs to specific immunity?
A. Lysozyme in tears can kill Chlamydia trachomatis B, and phagocytes in lymph nodes devour streptococcus invading human body.
C hydrochloric acid in gastric juice can kill some bacteria that enter the stomach. Smallpox antibodies in the body can protect against smallpox virus.
63. The main basis for predicting the population change trend of a country or region is
A. Population density B. Birth rate and death rate C. Age composition D. Sex ratio between men and women
64. The main factors that determine the length of reflection time are
A. Intensity of stimulus B. Excitability of receptor
C. number of central synapses D. excitability of effector
65. Four healthy plants with the same growth and terminal buds are treated as follows, which treatment is most conducive to the development of lateral buds?
A, after the terminal bud is removed, put a small piece of agar B on the fracture; after the terminal bud is removed, put a small piece of agar rich in auxin on the fracture.
C, coating agar D containing low concentration auxin on the lateral buds without removing the terminal buds, and coating agar on the lateral buds without removing the terminal buds.
66. The picture on the right shows the regulation of thyroid hormone secretion in higher animals. According to this picture, this statement is incorrect.
A. In a cold environment, the secretion of hormone ③ will increase.
B. After pituitary resection, ① secretion increased and ③ secretion decreased.
C. Injecting hormone ③ into animals will increase the secretion of ① and ②.
③ It plays a feedback regulation role in blood.
67. The following production measures have nothing to do with hormone application.
A, fruit tree shaping and pruning B, removing some leaves after transplanting seedlings.
C. cultivating seedless tomatoes D. castrating livestock
68. Spiral maggot flies are destructive parasites of domestic animals. Two groups of spiral maggot flies with the same number were treated differently in the laboratory: one group used pesticides, and the other group used ionizing radiation to promote male sterility. The results are as follows. The following statement is incorrect.
A. The method of ionizing radiation to promote male sterility is called artificial mutation.
The frequency of gene mutation caused by ionizing radiation is very low.
C. experiments show that mutation can produce evolutionary raw materials.
D. The two methods have the same therapeutic effect on the spiral maggot fly.
69. The general trend of community succession is
A. the increase of species diversity and the improvement of community stability B. the decrease of species diversity and community stability
C. increase of species diversity and decrease of community stability
There are many mice on the grass. The researchers used randomly placed traps to catch 20 mice, marked them and put them back. Three days later, they were arrested again. As a result, * * * caught 15, and only 5 of them had the marks made before. It is estimated that there are only a few mice on this grass.
A.30 B.60 C. 100 D. 150
7 1. The following do not belong to cyanophyta.
A. Nostoc commune B. Nostoc flagelliforme C. Chlamydomonas D. Anabaena
72. The following description of Chlorophyta is incorrect.
A. Nutritional exercise of most green algae
B. green algae cells have cell walls, which are divided into two layers and secreted by protoplasm.
C the assimilation product of green algae cells is starch, which is similar to higher plants.
D cell mitosis, 1 to multiple nuclei.
73. The following description of bryophytes is incorrect.
A. It has obvious alternation of generations, with gametophyte dominant and sporophyte inferior.
B. Fertilization must depend on water.
Higher species have differentiated roots, stems and leaves.
D. Female and male reproductive organs are composed of multicellular cells.
74. Which of the following descriptions about cucurbitaceae bryophytes is correct?
A. Each sporulated protonema can form several new plants.
C. dioecious D. the whole leaf consists of a layer of cells
75. Which of the following statements is wrong about moss?
A. the gametophyte comes from protonema B. Fertilization requires an external water environment.
C. meiosis produces gametes. Sperm and archegonium are produced by gametes.
76. What is the structure that angiosperms have and gymnosperms don't have?
A. vascular cambium b secondary xylem c pericarp d cotyledon e seed
77. Which of the following plants got rid of the dependence on water for sexual reproduction?
A. liverworts, mosses, ferns and gymnosperms
C. gymnosperms
78. Generation alternation refers to the significant difference of morphological structure in plant life history.
A. Spores and gametes B. Spores and gametes C. Spores and gametes D. Sperm and egg cells
79. A plant with seeds but no perianth in its life history belongs to
A. Angiosperms B. Gymnosperms C. Dicotyledons D. None of the above options are reliable.
80. What is the flower formula of pea flower? K (5) C5 a (9)+1g (1:1). This shows that
A. the ovary of pea flower is in the lower position. The petals of pea flowers are connected together.
C. pea flowers are ordinary flowers. Pea flowers have connate stamens.
8 1. The following plants do not belong to Pinaceae.
A. Pinus tabulaeformis B. Cedar C. Golden pine D. Money pine
82. The organelle with the highest RNA content is
A. Ribosome B. Mitochondria C. Centrosome D. Golgi apparatus
83. When cells are hungry, they can degrade their own biomacromolecules and produce nutrients that cells urgently need. The organelles that play an active role in this process are
A. mitochondrial golgi lysosomal ribosomes
84. After the completion of cell mitosis, the substances evenly distributed to the two daughter cells are
A. Mitochondrial DNA B. Nuclear DNA C. Ribosomal RNA D. Chloroplast DNA
85. The two main components of biological cell membrane are
A. nucleic acids and sugars B.ATP and peptidoglycan C. protein and lipids D.DNA and RNA
86. What kind of structure between small intestinal epithelial cells can prevent nutrients from entering the blood from the intercellular space?
A. desmosomes B are tightly connected to C gaps and D plasmodesmata are connected.
87. The nucleolar organizer region is the central structure of nucleolus, which consists of the following parts
A.rRNA B.rRNA and protein C. DNA D. Ribosome protein transcribed from rRNA
88.DNA molecules are composed of thousands or even millions of base pairs. The specific nucleotide sequence in a gene is a kind of information, which encodes the primary sequence of a specific protein. The reason why double-stranded DNA has a high melting temperature is that it contains more
89. In dormant seeds, most internal cells are dormant.
A.G 1 period B.S period C.M period D.Go period
90. The main functions of mitochondria are
A. hydrolyze protein B. self-replicate C. synthesize lipid D. produce ATP.
9 1. Proinsulin is converted into insulin in which of the following structures?
A. Mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies and ribosomes
92. A photosynthetic unit comprising
A. antenna pigment system and reaction center pigment molecules B. ATPase complex and electron transporter
C. electron transporter and NADPH D. ATPase complex and P700
93. Which of the following substances is not the product of glycolysis?
A. phosphoenolpyruvate b. 3- phosphoglyceric acid
C. 2- glyceraldehyde phosphate D. fructose-6-phosphate
94. Which of the following cell cycle stages is accurate?
A. prophase-metaphase-anaphase-anaphase B. G 1? G2- S-M
c。 G 1? S-G2 -M D. M? G 1? s? G2 Esports e-sports club
95. Homologous chromosome association occurs in
A. Middle period B. Early period C. Early period D. Late period
96. Which of the following amino acids is not necessary for human body?
A. lysine B. methionine C. glutamic acid D. tryptophan
97. In mitosis, sister chromatid centromeres appear alone in
A. early b, middle c and late d
98. The length of the cell cycle depends on:
A.g 1 B . S . C . G2 . d . m
99. In the enzymatic reaction, if competitive inhibitors are added.
A. Michaelis constant B. The maximum reaction rate is constant.
C. Michaelis constant and maximum reaction rate remain unchanged. Michaelis constant and maximum reaction rate were changed.
100. Which of the following enzymes is present in pancreatic cells? Moving? The path is correct.
A. endoplasmic reticulum? Golgi apparatus? Nuclear B. Golgi apparatus? Endoplasmic reticulum? lysosome
C. nucleus? Endoplasmic reticulum? Golgi apparatus D. endoplasmic reticulum? Golgi apparatus? Membrane vesicle and plasma membrane fusion