Will affect the growth of permanent teeth, deciduous teeth do not fall off completely, will make the permanent teeth grow slowly, the enamel layer is thin, the structure is not firm, will occupy the gum space, squeeze the permanent teeth, lead to gum malocclusion, and even affect the daily eating of dogs. Gobbling will consume and shorten the service life of the digestive system.
Irregular tooth arrangement, easy to leave food residue, poor diet and daily care, and poor cleaning, easy to lead to food impaction, bad breath, and increase the incidence of dental calculus. At the same time, bacteria are easy to breed, which will lead to various diseases in the dog's mouth, and more seriously affect the dog's kidney and heart. Reliable reports indicate that pets with double teeth will live shorter than those with normal teeth.
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Causes of double row of teeth in cats
Insufficient oral space;
Genetic genes (parents with two teeth have a high probability of giving birth to a baby with two teeth);
The food is too soft and lacks molars;
Excessive or insufficient calcium, imbalance of calcium and phosphorus;
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How to deal with cats' double rows of teeth
Usually, you can grind your teeth for pet toys, improve the utilization rate of teeth and promote the deciduous teeth to fall off;
Go to the pet hospital, anesthetize the pet and pull out the deciduous teeth.