: Reconciliation with Russia
The late Boris Neve is no longer a man. He is the president of Akmenistan, a small country close to Russia but rich in oil resources. The new President Ivan Gourbat has banned all media from using the name of Nyof. Gourbat has removed all photos, posters and statues of Neve. In the capital, Gourbat ordered the destruction of a stainless steel spire commemorating Neve. Gourbat turned off the floodlights and mechanical devices at the spire.
"With these steels, we will build a peace museum," Gourbat said. /kloc-the 0/00-foot-high spire has been brightly lit every night for the past 10 years. At the top of it is a head of Nyof, with a diameter of 16 feet. The head rotates once every 59 minutes. Then it stopped for a minute, and the flame came out of Nioff's mouth, accompanied by the roar of the lion.
Every noon, "Nyof" will give a three-minute speech about what a great president he was. There are different speeches every day of the year. For example, every year 1 month 18, Niv talks about how he paved all the dirt roads in Akmenistan by himself. Every July 3rd, he describes how he invented the Internet.
As president, Nyof actually renamed the days of the week after his brothers and sisters and the sun and moon after his parents. He forbids marriage. Instead, lovers in love sign a one-year "friendship" contract, which can be renewed every year if both "friends" agree.
Although the citizens think Niv is a bit eccentric, they like him to face the occasional threat from Russia bravely. Now that he's gone, Russia seems to want to get Akmanistan's oil in some way. Gourbat thought he could help stop the Russian invasion by eliminating all traces of Neve and building a peace museum.
Same-sex marriage
On May 15, 2008, California Supreme Court approved same-sex marriage in California. By a vote of 4 to 3, the court declared that restricting marriage to one man and one woman violated the state constitution.
The court's decision is a great victory for homosexuals in the whole state. Hundreds of people waited outside the court in Sacramento for the announcement. They greeted them with cheers, hugs and kisses. The TV crew interviewed the happy couple.
However, conservative opponents vowed to oppose the decision. They plan to collect 1 1 month for the constitutional amendment to overturn this decision. If California voters approve the amendment, lawyer Gloria Allred said, "I will take this case to the Supreme Court of the United States. Homosexuality must have the freedom to get married. "
Only 60 years ago, most states banned intermarriage. However, in 1967, the United States Supreme Court terminated these bans. Now the conflict is about gender, not race. At present, only two states legally recognize same-sex marriage-Massachusetts and California. Worldwide, only five countries legally recognize this kind of marriage.
Elton john said: "California has joined the 2 1 century." "Now cole potter and I can finally get married in our favorite city, San Francisco."
"If we ordinary people don't vote for the amendment," conservative george smith said, "God will definitely destroy the whole country."
: I'm pregnant
He is a senior and she is a junior. They met in algebra class at the beginning of the school year. He is a mathematical genius; She wants to be an English teacher. They help each other with their homework. He helped her understand "x+4y = 8" and she helped him write a 250-word essay.
They like to go to the beach on weekends. When the weather is cold and windy, they wear warm clothes and walk for miles. When the weather is hot, they put on swimsuits and stay in the water and on the beach for several hours. They talk about everything. She has fallen in love with him. He doesn't love her, but he sometimes tells her that he loves her. He really likes her company, but he thinks he will find a new girlfriend when he starts college. There are many fish in the sea.
However, one day on the beach, she told him that she was pregnant. "Are you sure?" After a moment of silence, he asked. She is. "Well, what are you going to do?" He asked. She said she hoped they would get married. "You can't be serious," he said. "We are all too young to get married. We haven't even graduated from high school. "
Besides, he said, without jobs, they can't afford to raise children. He has a friend who knows someone who can solve this problem-for a fee. Don't worry, he said, he will pay.
"I think we should keep our children," she said. He told her not to worry-they will start a family after college.