#define DataPort P0 // If a data port is encountered in the data port definition program, it will be replaced by P0.
sbit latch 1=p2^6; //Define the latch enable port segment latch.
sbit latch2=p2^7; //bit latch
Unsigned character code DuanMa[]={0xc0, 0xf9, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0x99, 0x92, 0x82, 0xf8};
//Display segment code value 0 1234567.
Unsigned character code Ma Wei []={0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x 10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01};
//The corresponding digital tubes light up respectively, that is, the bit code.
Void Delay (unsigned integer t); //Function declaration
/* -
major function
- */
Master ()
Unsigned character I = 0;;
while( 1)
DataPort = Ma Wei [I]; //Access code
latch 2 = 1; //bit latch
latch 2 = 0;
data port = Duan ma[I]; //Get the display data and segment code.
latch 1 = 1; //segment latch
latch 1 = 0;
Delay (200); //Scan interval delay. Too long will flash, too short will cause double shadow.
If(8==i) // Detect that the 8-bit scan is completely completed? If scanning is completed, scan 8 bits from the first bit.
I = 0;
/* -
Delay function, the input parameter is unsigned integer t, and there is no return value.
Unsigned int is an unsigned integer variable whose value range is
- */
Invalid delay (unsigned integer t)