Use namespace std
void main(){
int Date[2][2]={{ 1,2},{2,3 } };
int Min,Max
Min = * * Date// Give the value of the first address data to Min(*Date means the first address).
max = Date[0][0];
/* pointer */
for(int k = 1; k & lt4; K++){ //4 is a number.
If( *(*Date+k- 1)>*(* date +k) ){
min = *(* Date+k);
cout & lt& lt" Min:" & lt; & ltMin & lt& ltendl
/* Subscript */
for(int I = 0; I<2; I++){ //2 is the number of rows.
for(int j = 0; j & lt2; j++){
if(Max & lt; Date [i][j] ){
max = Date[I][j];
cout & lt& lt" Max:" & lt; & ltMax & lt& ltendl