Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
//Define the receive array and scanner
int[]? score_arr=new? int[ 10];
Scanner? sc=new? Scanner (system. in);
for(int? I = 0; I< 10; i++){
The score of System.out.println ("Please enter" +(i+ 1)+ "Student:");
score _ arr[I]= sc . nextint();
//Define the maximum value, minimum value and average value.
//The reason why we don't start from 0 here is to prevent the input number from being less than 0, just in case.
int? max=score_arr[0],min=score_arr[0],sum = 0;
For what? (int? score:score_arr)? {
if(score & gt; Max) {
Max = score;
If (the score & lt is the smallest) {
Min = score;
Sum+= score;
system . out . println(" Maximum:"+max);
System.out.println ("minimum value:"+min);
system . out . println(" average:"+(sum/ 10));
} The second one:
Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
//Define an array
int[][]? arr={{ 1,2,3},{2,4,6 } };
for(int? I = 0; I < array length; i++){
//The array starts to traverse from subscript 0 here.
for(int? j = 0; j & ltarr[i]。 Length; j++){
//Output every element in the traversed array.
system . out . print(arr[I][j]+" \ t ");
system . out . println();