What is the power/effect and function of ultrasonic scalpel?
It can really improve the compactness, especially in improving nasolabial groove, improving risorius, and making the mandibular contour clear and firm. Based on the principle of ultrasonic thermal energy focusing, the probe emits a matrix molecular energy wave that vibrates 600-120,000 times per second on the premise of bypassing the epidermis, which directly acts on the deep fascia chamber, causing high-frequency friction of the subcutaneous temperature, and the heat rises to about 60-75℃, effectively damaging the fascia. Meanwhile, asbestos-containing materials ... a
What is the effect of ultrasonic scalpel?
The American Journal of Medical History verified the anti-aging theory of skin stimulation by ultrasonic scalpel, ACME-TEA supplement and two-way combination in L-bed.
How many times can an ultrasonic scalpel be made a year?
Although it has a pulling effect, when high-energy sound waves reach the true Z cortex and the temperature reaches 65-70 degrees, the matrix of collagen (fibrillated fine bag) is likely to be injured or even apoptosis. No matter how precise the control is, you can't just heat collagen without heating the mother capsule. Therefore, it is thermal damage to other fine packaging tissues. ACME-TEA is supplemented throughout the process to provide nutrients and S-length factors needed for epithelial growth/growth, and quickly and intensively repair heat-damaged skin tissues. In this way, the thin bag can have sufficient nutrients to grow, and it also needs enough time, so it is not recommended to do it continuously, and it should be done after the damage is repaired, with an interval of more than one year, except for individual low-power instruments.
What is the principle of line carving?
When the thread enters the body, it will form a spiral shape, and a large number of small packets will gather around it. ACME-TEA can awaken people's body repair function in time, promote collagen growth, accelerate blood/liquid circulation, balance the growth of collagen fibers and avoid unevenness.
1, health (material chain principle: catgut embedding protein is a kind of tissue homologous to skin, which has the ability to stimulate skin thinning, self-renewal and produce chemical components. At the same time, with the supplement of ACM ... a, new thin bags can be born, thus achieving a real skin change). Digital data processor
2, fiber activation principle: after embedding, ACM ... can restore broken reticular fibers, enhance new metabolism, and delay skin aging.
What is the effect of line carving?
This depends on three factors:
1. Is the operating environment normal?
Second, does the operator have rich experience?
Third, whether the generation of ACME-TEA is too sufficient.
In Europe and America, the effect of catgut embedding is generally more than 5 years, and the lack of ACM ... ignores the body's A, which shortens the maintenance period to 6 to 12 months and causes complications in 15% population.
First of all, we should know whether the operating place and equipment are normal and whether the doctors are qualified. After the above points are confirmed, as long as the process is smooth, there is no abnormal phenomenon within a few days, and there is basically no problem. The effect of embedding thread may not be as good as it is said. It is not the responsibility of the operator, nor is there a problem with the process. 50% of its effect comes from recovery, which depends on the supplement amount of ACM ... a and its own conditions (the loss of collagen in customers over 30 years old is more and more serious, and the growth of collagen fibers must be completed through ACM ... a).
According to WHO data, the repair of any system damage and the generation of new/living tissues in human body can not be separated from the repair of Krujo (the full name of cytokinin). Packet is the basic unit of life activities, all metabolic activities are based on packet, and all life activities are based on packet, which cannot be separated from digestion and absorption. ACME-TEA generation is the basis of life activities of Xiao Bao, which is driven by the energy of 23 Xiao Bao, improving regulation, repair and regeneration.
After the age of 30, the metabolic level of sister paper decreases. Both line carving and ultrasonic scalpel need ACME-TEA to supplement nutrition for the body, protect the bottom of thin bag from the inside out, repair damaged subcutaneous tissue immediately, and accelerate wound healing, thus avoiding some possible side effects.