If you want to make a soft sponge cake, it depends on the way the cake is stirred and foamed. If there are many bubbles, you must make them quickly before they disappear. Therefore, the materials are mixed in a shearing manner. Cleanliness of containers or eggbeaters is also very important. Eggs should not bubble when the utensils contain grease.
Cake is made of baking powder, unlike yeast. If you stir too much, the bubbles will run away and will not regenerate. Second, if you stir too much, the flour will harden and the cake will become very hard. Therefore, when mixing the batter, it should be light, from the outside to the inside, from the bottom to the top, not 360 degrees.
3. Two things that support the size of a cake, one is butter and the other is egg white, usually one of them. Butter should be foamed and fluffy at room temperature, and egg white should be clean, undoped and moderate in hardness. Foam; When stirring, you should also use the folding method, and you can't stir. If you stir it, the bubbles that were originally punched in it will burst.