Before the child is born, many pregnant mothers will encounter the problem of whether to save umbilical cord blood for their child. In maternity hospitals, there are often some staff selling products saying that preserving umbilical cord blood is equivalent to purchasing a serious illness medical insurance. In this case, what exactly is cord blood? What does it do? Do ordinary families need to save a share for their babies? Or donate to a cord blood bank? First, let’s explain the prosecution problem together. What is cord blood? Cord blood is the blood remaining in the umbilical cord of the embryo and fetus during fetal delivery, fetal umbilical cord ligation surgery and separation.
What is the role of fetal umbilical cord blood? We collect cord blood. The most important thing is that cord blood contains stem cells that can rebuild the body's hematopoietic function and immune system. It can be used for stem cell transplantation to diagnose and treat various diseases, such as blood system tumors, such as sepsis, myeloma, lymphoma, etc. , hemoglobin concentration diseases, such as oceanic climate iron deficiency anemia, bone marrow hematopoietic function decline, such as aplastic anemia, congenital immune deficiency diseases, etc., it can replace traditional stem cell transplant surgery, which is valuable. Umbilical cord blood is the blood remaining in the fetal umbilical cord and embryo after the umbilical cord is severed after delivery. It is a very important natural resource for human beings. Cord blood contains stem cells that can rebuild the body's hematopoietic function and immune system, and can be used for stem cell transplantation to treat more than 80 types of diseases. Umbilical cord blood contains abundant stem cells,
which is the source of valuable stem cells. After the umbilical cord blood is matched with bone marrow and transplanted into another person with the necessary stem cells, as the "seeded" umbilical cord blood stem cells grow in the spinal cord, the body's hematopoietic function is slowly restored, and the umbilical cord blood stem cells Beauty then becomes the make-up of a transplanted human body. Cord blood transplantation is suitable for the treatment of leukemia, aplastic anemia, cancer, HIV, diabetes, serious immune diseases, radiation sickness and other incurable diseases, allowing more people to continue their lives. A new scientific research result shows that the role of fetal umbilical cord and umbilical blood has been far underestimated. A key seed cell is necessary in tissue engineering.
Seed cells are integrated with biodegradable biotechnology to produce cell-raw material nitric oxide synthase, which is embedded after being cultured in vitro for a certain period of time. In the body, the seed cells continue to reproduce, and the biotechnology is decomposed and absorbed, thereby producing structures or human organs with certain shapes and functions, which can be used to repair human organs and reconstruct. Embryonic stem cells with all-potent stem cell beauty properties can be cultivated in fetal umbilical cord and umbilical blood. They can divide to produce bone, fat, cartilage tissue, muscle tissue and even nerve cells, and may become important seeds for tissue engineering. Cells are suitable for treating a variety of diseases.