The problem of catering etiquette has a long history. According to the literature, at least in the Zhou Dynasty, the catering etiquette had formed a fairly perfect system, especially praised by Confucius in the ceremony of offering wine to Lu, which became an important aspect of showing the face of a big country, a state of etiquette and a place of civilization in successive dynasties.
As a tradition of Han nationality, ancient banquet etiquette has its own set of procedures: the host is invited to meet the guests temporarily outside the door. When the guests arrive, they greet each other, introduce them to the living room and provide refreshments. After the guests are seated, guide them to their seats, with the left side facing up, which is regarded as the chief. There are two seats relative to the first seat, three seats under the first seat and four seats under the second seat. When the guests are seated, the host toasts and dishes, and the guests thank each other with gifts. There is also a certain emphasis on serving wine at the dinner: respect the elders and guests first, and then the host. After the banquet, guide the guests to sit in the living room and serve tea until they say goodbye. This traditional banquet etiquette is still intact in most parts of China, such as Shandong, Hongkong and Taiwan Province Province, and it is reflected in many film and television works.
Influenced by the introduction of western food in Qing dynasty, some western etiquette was also introduced. Such as serving food, serving soup and serving wine, Chinese etiquette is also introduced because of reasonable and hygienic eating methods. The exchange of Chinese and western food culture makes the catering etiquette more scientific and reasonable.
Modern Chinese banquet etiquette is developed on the basis of continuing the tradition and drawing lessons from foreign etiquette. Its seating is based on the principle of the highest right in western banquets. The first guest sits on the host's right, and the second guest sits on the host's left or the first guest's right. The wine is served on the guest's right, first the guest of honor, then the host, first the female guest, then the male guest. Pour eight cents of wine, not too full. The order of serving is still traditional, cold first and then hot. Hot dishes should be placed on the left side of the seat opposite the guest of honor; Serve single dishes or side dishes, pre-dinner snacks, whole chicken, whole duck and whole fish and other plastic dishes, without head and tail facing the theme. These procedures can not only make the whole banquet process harmonious and orderly, but also reflect and communicate the identity and feelings of the host and guests. Therefore, the etiquette above the table can make the banquet activities complete and comprehensive, and make the cultivation of both the host and the guest fully displayed.
People always think that home is only about decoration, furniture and other home elements. In fact, our home is our life, including all aspects of life. The change of family is due to the change of life attitude and concept, which reflects the quality of China people. Similarly, table manners can also reflect personal qualities and tastes. Moreover, China people must know a little about the complicated table manners of China people, so that they can live up to our thousands of years of historical civilization and not be ridiculous.
Table manners play a very important role in the complete life order of China people. They believe that dining is not only a way to meet basic physiological needs-it is also a first-class social experience. Therefore, it is particularly important to master some Chinese catering rules. Whether you are the host or just a guest, you should master some rules.
Round dining tables are very popular. Because there are many people who can sit, and everyone can sit face to face, the identity of the head of the family is not clearly determined by his seat on the western-style long table. Guests should wait for the host's invitation before taking their seats. The host must be careful not to let the guests sit near the serving table. This is a big no-no.
You must wait until everyone arrives before you can start any kind of dining activities-even if someone is late. Once everyone is in place, the host family can make the opening remarks. In the process of eating, the host must play an active role-it is completely reasonable to urge the guests to eat and drink to their fullest.
The typical dining table in China looks quite empty, especially in the eyes of westerners. You can see a bowl on the plate in front of each seat; On the right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, which are placed in their respective seats. On formal occasions, napkins will appear, mainly on the knees.
At a formal banquet, dishes are eaten like slides, one dish at a time. Surprisingly, rice and vegetables are different, but you can choose to eat them together. Because the dishes have their own characteristics, you should taste them separately, and you can only eat one from the bowl at a time, and you can't mix them. Don't eat with plates, just use bowls. Bones and crustaceans are placed in different plates. Dirty dishes must be replaced with clean ones.
Chopsticks are used for all food on the table except soup. Knives and forks may be provided, but as China people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are tools for eating, so don't play with chopsticks-it's very impolite to use chopsticks as chicken legs, and you can't point or gesture with chopsticks. Of course, you must never suck chopsticks or stick them in rice. This is a big taboo-like a candle at a funeral, it is considered unlucky. Besides, you shouldn't keep turning around in a plate with chopsticks. You should look at the food you want to take with your eyes first. When you hold food with chopsticks, try to avoid touching other foods. If possible, use chopsticks and spoons around you. After eating or taking food, put the chopsticks back in the chopsticks holder.
China restaurant is not formal without tea. Therefore, it is wise to store different kinds of tea as much as possible to ensure that the most acute taste is taken care of. There are several points to pay attention to about tea. The person sitting next to the teapot is responsible for pouring tea for others and for himself-the order of pouring tea is according to age, from the oldest to the youngest, and finally for himself. When someone pours tea for you, it is polite to tap on the table with your fingers, which is to show your gratitude and respect to the tea pourer.
When it comes to drinking, almost everyone has experienced it personally, and "wine culture" is also an ancient and fresh topic. Modern people find the function of wine more and more in the process of communication.
Indeed, wine, as a media, plays a unique role in welcoming guests, meeting friends, communicating and passing on friendship. Therefore, exploring the "mystery" on the wine table will help you seek the success of communication.
1, enjoy the whole people, don't whisper.
Most banquets have more guests, so try to talk about topics that most people can participate in and get the approval of most people. Because of different personal hobbies and knowledge, the topic should not be too biased as far as possible, so as not to be dominated by one family, far apart, and talk endlessly, leading to digression and ignoring everyone.
In particular, try not to whisper to others and give others a sense of mystery, which will often cause jealousy of "just you two" and affect the effect of drinking.
2, aim at both sides, grasp the overall situation
Most banquets have a theme, that is, the purpose of drinking. When you go to eat, you should first look at the expressions around you and prioritize. Don't drink for the sake of drinking, and lose a good opportunity to make friends, let alone let some grandstanding drinkers disturb the host's meaning.
3. Appropriate language and humor
Sprinkling it on the table can show a person's talent, common sense, self-cultivation and communication etiquette. Sometimes a humorous language will leave a deep impression on the guests and make people feel good about you invisibly. Therefore, it is very important to know when to say something, to use appropriate language, and to be humorous.
4, moderate persuasion, don't force.
On the wine table, we often encounter the phenomenon of persuading wine. Some people always like to regard the wine field as a battlefield and try their best to persuade others to drink more, thinking that it is unrealistic to drink enough.
"Talk about heroes with wine" is ok for people who drink a lot, but it is difficult for people who drink less. Sometimes, if you persuade too much, the feelings of your former friends will be completely destroyed.
5. Toast in an orderly way, with clear priorities.
Baking bread is also a science. Generally speaking, a toast should be made in the order of age, position and the status of the guest and the host. Before toasting, we must fully consider the order of toasting and distinguish between primary and secondary. In order to drink with people you don't know, you should first find out your identity, or pay attention to what others call you, so as not to be embarrassed or hurt your feelings.
When toasting, you must grasp the order of toasting. If you want to have a guest at the dinner table, you should be respectful to him, but you should pay attention to the fact that if someone with higher status or older people is present, you should not only be respectful to those who can help you, but also propose a toast to the respected elders first, otherwise everyone will be embarrassed.
6. Read words and understand people's hearts.
If you want to get everyone's appreciation on the wine table, you must learn to read and read. Because when dealing with people, we must understand people's hearts, so that we can play a good role on the wine table.
7, the edge is gradually exposed, sit firmly on Mount Tai.
At the banquet, you should see the occasion clearly, correctly evaluate your own strength, don't be too impulsive, try to keep some alcohol and talk, don't let others underestimate yourself and don't show yourself too much, choose the right time and gradually radiate your own edge, so as to sit firmly on Mount Tai and not give others the idea of "just this ability", so that everyone can't underestimate your strength.
Toast is also a toast, which means that at a formal banquet, the host proposes to the guests and puts forward certain reasons for drinking. When drinking, we usually say some wishes and blessings, and even the host and guests have to make a special toast. The shorter the toast, the better.
You can toast at any time when you drink. If it is a formal toast, it should be at a specific time, which will not affect the guests' meal. Toast is suitable to start after guests and hosts are seated and before meals. It can also be after the main course and before the dessert is served.
When drinking, especially when toasting, someone needs to take the lead in toasting, which can be the host, the guest of honor or the people present. When toasting, you should stand up, hold the cup in your right hand, or hold the bottom of the cup in your left hand, smile, look at other toasts, especially yourself, and say a blessing at the same time.
It is suggested that after the toast, you should stand up with a glass in your hand. Even if you don't drink, you should pick up the cup for show. Raise the glass to eye level, say "cheers" and drink it off or in moderation. Then, you have to look at the proposer with a glass, and the process is over.
In Chinese food, before toasting, you can symbolically touch each other's glasses; When clinking glasses, you should make your glass lower than the other's to show your respect for the other. Touching the table with the bottom of the glass can also mean touching the glass with the other side. You can do this when you are far away from each other. If the host toasts himself, ask for a toast to the host and toast with him again.
In general, toasting should be carried out in the order of age, position and the identity of the guest and the host. Be sure to give full consideration to the order of toasting and prioritize. Even if you are drinking with people you don't know, you should first inquire about your identity or pay attention to other people's names to avoid embarrassment or hurting feelings. Even if you want something from the guest at the dinner table, you should show him more respect. However, if there are people with higher status or elders present, we should also propose a toast to the elders first, otherwise it will make everyone very embarrassed.
If it is not suitable for drinking because of living habits or health reasons, you can also entrust relatives, friends, subordinates and younger generations to drink or use drinks and tea instead. As a toaster, you should fully understand each other. When the other party asks others to change the wine or drink, don't insist on letting the other party drink, and don't "get to the bottom of it" curiously. You know, if someone doesn't take the initiative to explain the reason, it means that the other party thinks this is his privacy.
In western food, champagne is the only toast, and you can't drink it with others over the people around you.