Find the full name of each function in VB, such as the full name integer of int.
As an old programmer with 10 years of working experience, I'll give you a piece of advice: that's not how programming is learned. The name of a function is just a name, not necessarily a full name, just like a person's name. It doesn't have to be meaningful, such as "Li Shuangjiang". Do we have to explore which two rivers are "Shuangjiang"? For example, the full name of the int function you said is Integer, which is wrong in itself. Int is an Integer function and integer is an integer type, which is different. Function names do not need to be memorized. In practical work, no matter how hard programmers try, it is impossible to write code entirely by memory. You should practice more and write more codes on the computer. When you encounter names such as function names, you should look up more books and surf the Internet to really understand their usage and significance, so you will naturally remember them.