Java int types have a fixed size and range. The value range of 32-bit int type is -2 147483648 to 2 147483647. If you need a larger integer value, you can use the long type. In Java programming, the advantage of using int type is high efficiency and can be converted with other data types. Usually, if you want to create a variable that represents an integer, you usually use the int type.
When using the int type of Java, it should be noted that if the value of the int type exceeds the specified range in the calculation process, the problem of data overflow will occur. For example, when the value of int variable exceeds integer.max _ value = 2147483647 or is lower than integer.min _ value =-2147483648, the result is not guaranteed. Therefore, when dealing with numerical operations that may be out of range, it is suggested to use long type or other mathematical libraries to achieve higher precision calculations to avoid data loss or other inappropriate situations.