1939 in July and August, Zhengzhou was flooded with continuous heavy rain, and the Jinshui River was flooded, so it was impossible to vent. It entered the flat land of the city, and the water depth was several feet. Standing at the west entrance of West Street, I saw a piece of Wang Yang, and all the shops and households were filled with water. After the water receded, the silt was as thick as three or four feet, which affected urban institutions, schools, industry and commerce, and the masses complained bitterly. After the flood, people from all walks of life and residents in Zhengzhou are eager to harness Jinshui River and eradicate the flood as soon as possible.
1945 after War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression's victory, all walks of life seem to be prospering gradually. At the request of the people, the construction department at that time, with the sponsorship of wealthy merchants of Yin merchants and local gentlemen, the villagers enthusiastically went to work and shipped stones from Gong County. Soon, a double-hole stone arch bridge with a length of 10 meters and a width of 3 meters was erected on the Jinshui River in the north of Gong Ming Road. Everyone is happy to call this bridge "Stone Bridge" and spread it widely. After liberation, in order to meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production and construction, the people's government allocated special funds to transform the stone bridge into a three-hole reinforced concrete bridge with a width of 34 meters and a height of 6.5 meters. In order to respect the customs of the masses, the new bridge is still named "Dashiqiao".
Extended data:
1994, Zhu Tianbao, then mayor of Zhengzhou, proposed to build "four bridges and one road"-four overpasses at Zijingshan, Xintong Bridge, Dashiqiao, He Yi Square and an elevated road at Jinshui Road.
1June, 1994, Dashiqiao started construction and was completed and put into operation in February, 65438. It was built in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, at the intersection of five main roads, namely Jinshui Road, Huayuan Road, Zijingshan Road and Renmin Road.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Dashiqiao (Dashiqiao, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province)