The middle facial expression muscles, such as levator labialis and zygomatic muscles, stop at the skin at the corner of the upper lip, and directly act on the skin when contracting, forming nasolabial sulcus. Botulinum toxin is a kind of biological toxin muscle relaxant, which can inhibit the release of acetylcholine, block neuromuscular conduction, lead to muscle flaccid paralysis, thus inhibit the contraction of these muscles and achieve the purpose of relieving dynamic wrinkles.
2) Adaptation crowd and taboo crowd
① Suitable for people: it is suitable for nasolabial groove of various degrees, but it is most suitable for mild and moderate nasolabial groove with no serious skin relaxation.
② Taboo crowd
A neuromuscular disease, such as myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis and congenital ptosis.
B. People who are allergic to any component of botulinum toxin products or human serum albumin or people with allergic constitution.
C patients with heart disease, liver disease, lung disease, nephropathy, extremely thin constitution, active tuberculosis, hematological diseases, connective tissue diseases, pregnant women and children should use it with caution.
D drugs that interact with botulinum toxin, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics and penicillamine, quinine, cyclosporine, morphine, calcium ion conduction blockers, etc. , has been used within 2 weeks, because these drugs can increase the toxicity of botulinum toxin.
3) Technical methods
① Disinfect the skin at the injection site.
② Design and mark the injection point. The injection point is located in the expression muscle in the middle of the face.
③ Inject the medicine into the marked part.
4) Material: botulinum toxin
Botulinum toxin is a kind of bacterial exotoxin produced by botulinum during its growth and reproduction. At present, the most violent toxin known is 10000 times more toxic than potassium cyanide and belongs to a neurotoxin. At present, botulinum toxin A is mainly used for medical beauty. The clinical application of botulinum toxin A has a history of more than 20 years, and its application in plastic surgery rose in the early 1990s. In recent 20 years, botulinum toxin A has been widely used in the field of medical beauty. However, due to its highly toxic effect, it may produce serious adverse reactions. You need to be careful when choosing this beauty project.
Botulinum toxin A inhibits the release of protein, which is necessary for acetylcholine release, blocks neuromuscular conduction, and leads to muscle flaccid paralysis, thus inhibiting muscle contraction and eliminating wrinkles. Botulinum toxin A does not block neuromuscular transmission, and neither muscle nor nerve has excitability and conductivity damage, which is called chemical denervation. Because this effect is limited in time, the wrinkle removal effect of botulinum toxin injection usually lasts for 3-6 months.
5) Risks and complications
① The expression is unnatural.
② Local swelling and ecchymosis.
③ numbness and tightness at the injection site.
4 corners of the mouth droop.
⑤ Difficulty in pronunciation.
6) Course of treatment and recovery time
Botulinum toxin injection usually lasts for 3-6 months, and can be injected again after wrinkles recur, with an interval of about 6 months. But it is not suitable for repeated injections in a short time. After the injection, normal work and study can be carried out immediately. As long as the precautions required by the doctor are observed, there is no need for a recovery period after the operation.
7) Precautions
① Do not do local massage within 4 hours after injection to avoid drug diffusion.
② Don't do strenuous exercise within 4 hours after injection, keep your body upright, and don't lie flat and bend over to avoid drooping eyelids.
③ Avoid touching the injection site within 6 hours after injection.
④ After injection, the treatment area should not be exposed to the sun, such as sunbathing or sunbathing, or avoid being in a cold place.
⑤ aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gentamicin, will strengthen the effect of toxins, and such drugs are prohibited during the use of botulinum toxin.