In the past, only the elderly had loose teeth, but now loose teeth are becoming more common among younger people. So, do loose teeth need to be extracted? Do you want to know? Follow me to find out! Loose teeth do not necessarily have to be extracted
In periodontal clinics, there are some cases of loose teeth every day. According to the survey, most of the patients who visit us have loose teeth due to periodontitis. There are two misunderstandings among patients about loose teeth. One is that all loose teeth should be extracted, and the other is that loose teeth would rather be allowed to fall out on their own than be extracted. Both of the above views are biased. Loose teeth caused by periodontitis can be fixed as long as they meet the indications. With the continuous advancement of materials and technology, more and more loose teeth can be preserved and continue to function; but on the other hand, not all loose teeth can be fixed. All teeth are suitable for fixation, and loose teeth have certain indications. For example, it is usually required that the alveolar bone absorption of the affected tooth should be less than 2/3 of the root length, etc.
At present, the most commonly used fixation method for anterior teeth is the periodontal splinting method of ligating wire combined with light-curing resin. That is, using ligating wire to continuously ligate the affected tooth and adjacent healthy teeth, and then using light-curing resin to veneer. To secure the nylon wire and restore the appearance of the front teeth. After being fixed by this method, the affected tooth is not only fixed, but also more beautiful in appearance and color than before. Loose posterior teeth are often fixed using restorative methods, such as cast continuous clasp splint fixation, or continuous crowns, continuous inlays, etc. After being fixed with restorative methods, the affected teeth can withstand greater combined forces and have good functional recovery. . In addition, individual loose teeth can also be treated with root canal implants without relying on adjacent healthy teeth, which can also achieve good fixation results.
Of course, loose tooth fixation can only be carried out after the tooth has undergone systematic basic treatment and the inflammation is under control. As long as the treatment measures are timely and reasonable, loose tooth fixation surgery will achieve satisfactory results. Treatment methods for loose teeth
1. Loose teeth caused by periodontitis should be treated as early as possible and receive professional periodontal treatment. The main method is to use specialized medical instruments to perform dental scaling and subgingival scaling to remove calculus, plaque and other inflammation-causing things around the teeth, so as to reduce inflammation around the teeth and slow down the absorption of alveolar bone. These treatments require It takes a few times to complete.
This treatment method is not a one-time solution. In addition to carefully self-cleaning your teeth according to the dentist’s advice, you also need to have regular reviews. If the lesions persist, the doctor may suggest relevant treatments based on the situation. The main purpose of periodontal surgery is to completely remove inflammation around the teeth and promote healing.
If the tooth is severely loose and the surrounding inflammation is widespread, reluctantly retaining it may spread the inflammation to the adjacent teeth, causing inflammation around the adjacent teeth and causing a series of pathological changes such as tooth loosening. Therefore, it is also a good idea to remove excessively loose teeth. kind of treatment.
2. Loose teeth caused by bite problems should be diagnosed by a dentist. If there is periodontitis, that periodontal treatment should be performed first, and the remaining bite problems will be adjusted later. The way to adjust the bite is to grind the parts of the teeth that interfere with the bite. Doctors are usually cautious when grinding. The amount of grinding is very small and may require several grindings.
3. Loose teeth caused by trauma must not be delayed. The earlier the treatment, the better.
Mild tooth looseness can be fixed. Generally, the teeth can be stabilized in this position after 1 week. At this time, the fixed device or adhesive can be removed. After that, the teeth can generally return to health; For teeth that are moderately severe or lost due to trauma, the affected teeth are generally fixed after relevant treatment. After fixation, the teeth will generally show symptoms of the pulp after a period of time. Therefore, they should be reviewed regularly under the guidance of a doctor. If any symptoms occur, Pulp symptoms are treated promptly. Daily ways to protect your teeth
1. Rinse your mouth with tea
Rinse your mouth with tea after each meal, and let the tea wash the teeth and sides of the tongue in the mouth. This can remove tartar, improve the physiological functions of the oral orbicularis muscle and oral mucosa, and enhance the acid-resistant and anti-corrosion ability of the teeth.
2. Tap your teeth to swallow fluids
Keep tapping your upper and lower teeth against each other every morning when you wake up and before going to bed. Start with a dozen or so taps, and then increase the number and strength of the taps day by day, reaching about fifty taps each time. This method can enhance the toughness of the periodontal tissue fiber structure, promote blood circulation in the gums and face, and keep teeth strong. Swallowing saliva after tapping your teeth is also beneficial to health.
3. Keep your mouth clean
It is necessary to brush your teeth with warm water every morning and evening. Brushing your teeth before going to bed is more important than brushing your teeth in the morning. In addition, you should rinse your mouth with water after three meals a day. When rinsing, you should use the momentum of water to remove as much food residue from between the teeth as possible. If it is embedded very tightly, you can also use a toothpick to remove it. You should go to the hospital regularly to remove calculus on the tooth surface to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis.
4. Diet and mouth protection