Long Chao in Harbin is disfigured by plastic surgery.
Bags under the eyes are medically called drooping skin of the lower eyelid. It is more common in middle-aged and elderly people. The skin of the lower eyelid relaxes with age, and the fatty tissue of the eye protrudes outward through the weak part of the orbital septum, which is a physiological change of normal people. Most elderly people have it. However, some people appear prematurely, making people look tired and lifeless, making people look "old" and affecting their appearance. In addition, some serious cases will also produce some complications, such as lower eyelid ectropion and lower eyelid edge entropion, causing tears, eye tingling and other discomfort. Baggy correction can restore young appearance and correct entropion and trichiasis of lower eyelid. Before the operation, doctors should classify the types of bags under the eyes of patients, which are generally divided into the following categories: (1) skin relaxation: eyelid skin relaxation, wrinkle formation, no orbital septum fat protrusion, and orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy. (2) Orbital septum fat prolapse type: Orbital septum fat prolapse causes the lower eyelid to swell or bulge outwards. (3) The orbicularis oculi muscle is large: it is horizontally raised below the eyelid margin. (4) Mixed type: the combination of the above three types. Many young people will choose pouch surgery, which is generally classified as lower eyelid aging, such as: (l) Simple orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy, which is very young due to genetic factors. Its prominent feature is that it clings to the edge of the lower eyelid and is continuously distributed in an arc shape. This kind of person's skin is not slack, and it is more common in 20 ~ 32 years old. (2) In the case of flat and simple skin relaxation, the skin of the lower eyelid and the outer corner of the eye is relaxed, with fine wrinkles, but no local protrusions. It is more common in young adults aged 33 ~ 45, with relaxation but no orbital septum relaxation, so there is no orbital septum fat protrusion. (3) Mild and moderate lower eyelid swelling is also common in young people, generally at the age of 23-36. It is mainly congenital orbital septum fat overgrowth. (4) The skin relaxation of lower eyelid is mainly due to the relaxation of skin, orbicularis oculi muscle and orbital septum, which makes orbital septum fat droop due to gravity. In severe cases, the lateral canthus ligament is slack, the tarsal plate is everted, the eyelid ball is separated, and tears often appear. At present, the common methods to remove bags under the eyes are external incision, internal incision and fat release from the orbital septum at the arch edge: during the operation, the incision goes along the lower margin of the lower eyelid eyelashes to the external canthus groove, and the swollen bags under the eyes are removed after the incision is separated. At the same time, tighten the skin of the lower eyelid, remove the excess skin of the lower eyelid and remove the wrinkles of the lower eyelid skin. The incision is hidden in this method, and it is difficult to see the incision marks after healing. This method is mainly suitable for lower eyelid skin laxity and lower eyelid orbicularis muscle hypertrophy (pseudopouch), which is mainly manifested as lower eyelid skin laxity and wrinkles, orbital septum fat is not prominent, and sometimes slightly depressed, or lower eyelid orbicularis muscle hypertrophy is related to family inheritance. Internal incision: it is a popular blepharoplasty at present, which removes eye fat through a small incision at the lower part of conjunctival sac. Therefore, there is no incision on the skin surface, which is suitable for younger people. This method is mainly suitable for orbital septum fat protrusion, that is, typical eye bags caused by orbital septum bulge, without skin relaxation and lower eyelid skin wrinkles. Fat release from the orbital septum at the edge of arch: With the increase of age, the tension of the lower eyelid skin, orbicularis oculi muscle and orbital septum decreases, and the fat behind the orbital septum increases and accumulates, pushing the orbital septum forward, forming a false orbital fat hernia and forming a lower eyelid bag deformity. Patients with skin relaxation and orbital septum relaxation, in addition to the increase of real fat in orbital septum, often form typical cases because of facial soft tissue atrophy, obvious outline of facial skeleton structure, increased orbital depth and diameter. This method can not only remove redundant skin and repair the flabby orbicularis oculi muscle, but also strengthen the treatment of orbital septum fat protrusion and orbital septum relaxation, with remarkable effect.