Lu Jing, a quiet man, also ruled a quiet room in China. Here, Taoist priests sit quietly and practice day and night, which is also a delicate and pretty place. Shi Tian, Zhang Daoling, did 28 treatments and set up an altar of truth and truth for the benefit of his disciples. All the disciples who were granted scholarships were given the altar sutra, which was equipped with an alliance teacher called the guardian by God. There are sixty Tong Zhen Jing, which are arranged in the order of sixty Jia Zi. They are: Xuantong introduces the truth, renaturates the truth, Tong Zhen is clear, Dong Tian is true, Yuan Yi keeps the truth, Cheng Xin restores the truth, preserves the macro truth, goes up to the truth, mixes the truth, clears the nature, introduces the truth to Xuan Tong, gathers the spirit under the truth, mixes the yuan truth, is empty and transparent, and gathers the truth and the Tao. Those who are empty will keep the truth, show the truth, and the fidelity will be one. Those who are empty will be true, those who are spiritual will call, those who are illusory will be clear, those who are true will answer, those who are up to the point, those who are true will exist, those who are true will be mixed, those who are mixed will be solid, those who are true will be true, those who are spiritual will be natural, those who are true will be transformed, and those who do nothing will be true.