What kind of person is bisexual?
A hermaphrodite person is called hermaphrodite, also called hermaphrodite. Generally speaking, a person's sex is determined by the sex chromosome XY. People with XX chromosome develop into women, and people with XY chromosome develop into men. Androgyny generally has hermaphroditic chromosomes at the chromosome level, such as XXY.
People with hermaphroditic chromosomes (taking XXY as an example) may have both male and female secondary sexual characteristics during their development, and may even have both male and female genitals (represented by testicles and ovaries). Bisexuals with intact male and female genitalia can be removed from one sex by surgery, thus becoming normal at the gland level.
But in fact, due to chromosome abnormalities, the probability of suffering from sex chromosome diseases is higher than that of normal people. With regard to the incidence of hermaphroditism, the highest estimate is that 1% of live-born babies have a certain degree of gender ambiguity, and 0. 1% to 0.2% of live-born babies will cause medical concerns because of gender ambiguity, including those who have eliminated this phenomenon through surgery. Others estimate that the incidence of true hermaphroditism is much lower, about 0.0 18%.
Development process:
In the process of human embryo development, SRY gene will make gonad develop into testis, without SRY gene, gonad will develop into ovary. After that, the development of internal genitalia and external genitalia is determined by hormones secreted by some embryonic gonads.
A few weeks after conception, the gonad of the embryo is basically female, with a pair of "urogenital folds" with a small protrusion in the middle and a urethra behind the protrusion. If the gonads develop into testicles, the testicles secrete testosterone, and the cells also respond to testosterone, the lateral folds will swell and the midline will fuse to form the scrotum. The bulge will grow and straighten to form the penis, the inside of the fold will wrap the penis, and the midline will meet to form the penis urethra. After birth, the testicles will descend into the scrotum. If the gonads develop into ovaries, another process will form female internal and external genitalia. The special changes in the above general process will lead to different degrees of hermaphroditism. There are dozens of known medical conditions that can cause hermaphroditism. Fertility is not necessarily.