Unexpectedly, a few days after the operation, Li felt uncomfortable with his eyes, and the two eyes looked obviously different in size. In desperation, Li went to two other large plastic surgery hospitals in An for examination and consultation, and was told that the previous catgut embedding operation failed and must be restored. Such news brought endless troubles to Xin Li, who was young. In a rage, Li sued Wang to the Huyi District Court, demanding compensation for follow-up treatment, lost time and transportation expenses.
During the trial, the court found out that Li was introduced to Wang, and the two agreed that Wang would perform double eyelid catgut embedding surgery, and the cost of the operation was 1000 yuan. After the negotiation, Li was taken to a residential building in Anmou District for surgery. After operation, Li's eyes were uncomfortable and varied in size. Wang refunded the operation fee 1000 yuan, but refused to compensate other expenses.
The judge in charge of the case explained to Wang her responsibilities in this case. After many mediations, Wang gradually realized his fault and finally reached a mediation agreement. Wang compensated Li for the treatment fee, transportation fee, lost time and other 3,300 yuan at one time. There is no dispute between the two sides.