1. Variety growth potential: the variety with strong growth potential should choose a larger pruning form, and the variety with weak growth potential should choose a smaller pruning form.
2. Site conditions: the garden with warm and humid climate, deep and fertile soil and sufficient fertilizer and water should choose a larger pruning form, and vice versa. In winter, it is necessary to bury the soil for cold protection, and the tree structure must consider the convenience of management and operation when the tree is put on and off the shelf. Generally, the non-drying main vine type should be selected.
3. Technical level: When the technical level of fruit farmers is high, they can adopt flexible pruning form with complex tree structure, and even try some creative new trees. When the technical level is low, regular pruning with simple tree structure and mature application in production should be adopted. We should not go beyond our own technical level to blindly follow others and adopt an immature and super-era pruning method.
4. Scaffolding form: The pruning form of grapes should be fully considered to be suitable for scaffolding. Pruning that is not suitable for scaffolding is easy to bring sequelae, which seriously affects the yield, quality and fruit life of trees in the middle and late stage.