2 147483644
2 147483645
2 147483646
2 147483647
-2 147483648
-2 147483647
-2 147483646
-2 147483645
-2 147483644
-2 147483643
-2 147483642
This is the addition function I wrote to judge overflow:
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
int uoadd (int a,int b,int * overflow);
Int overflow;
int main()
int a=2 147483647-9,b= 10,c = 0;
C=uoadd(a, b, & overflow);
If (overflow == 1)
Printf ("Overflow! \ n ");
printf ("%d\n ",c);
int uoadd (int a,int b,int *overflow)
* Overflow = 0;
If (A>0 & AMPB & GT0 & AMPA+B <; 0)* overflow =1;
If (A<0 & AMPB & LT0 & AMPA+B > 0)* overflow =1;
Return (a+b);
VC6 compilation, select the console program when building a new project.
In fact, other applications may have something built in to judge overflow. For example, VB will judge. If the data overflows, a dialog box will pop up, and the rest is unknown.
In fact, it is quite easy to solve this problem with assembly, but considering readability, it is better to use C.