Painless superconducting visible abortion: family planning operations such as painless abortion, curettage and ring removal are carried out. Through the visual monitor, the gestational sac is accurately located, and a 3 mm "microtubule" is introduced into the uterine cavity to suck out the gestational sac and villi. The operation allows you to finish in your sleep, terminate the unexpected pregnancy in 3 minutes, ensure visual safety and protect the palace.
Painless Gastroenteroscopy: The Gastroenterology Department of our hospital has successfully examined and treated more than 3,000 patients with painless Gastroenteroscopy. Change the physiological reactions such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal distension in traditional gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Painless minimally invasive tooth extraction: apply the latest micro-dynamic technology to extract the affected teeth in a painless state. Little damage to surrounding tissues and no damage to adjacent teeth. Hemodialysis machine is divided into two parts: blood monitoring and alarm system and dialysate supply system. It is suitable for uremia syndrome, brain edema, pulmonary edema and hypertension, uremia complicated with neuropsychiatric symptoms, uremic pericarditis, uremic anemia, reversible chronic renal failure, acute renal failure caused by acute rejection after renal transplantation, or chronic rejection when the transplanted kidney loses its function. Others: such as partial drug poisoning, hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, etc.