Conversion function, forced type conversion, weak type conversion using js variables.
Use the functions parseInt () and parseFloat () to convert values to integers and the latter to floating-point numbers. Only by calling these methods on a numeric String of type String can these two functions run correctly; For other types, NaN (non-numeric) is returned.
parse int(" 1234 blue "); ? //Results? 1234
parse int(" 0xA "); ? //Results? 10
parse int(" 22.5 "); ? //Results? 22
parse int(" blue "); ? //Results? Disc scone
parse float(" 1234 blue "); ? //Results? 1234.0
parse float(" 0xA "); ? //Results? Disc scone
parse float(" 22.5 "); ? //Results? 22.5
parse float(" 22 . 34 . 5 "); ? //Results? 22.342. Forced type conversion, number(value)- converts a given value into a number (which can be an integer or a floating-point number);
Number (fake)? //Results? 0
Numbers (true)? //Results? 1
Quantity (undefined)? //Results? Disc scone
Number (empty)? //Results? 0
No. (? "5.5?" )? //Results? 5.5
No. (? "56?" )? //Results? Fifty-six
No. (? "5.6.7?" )? //Results? Disc scone
No. (new? Object())? //Results? Disc scone
No (100)? //Results? 1003. Using js variables for weak type conversion
var? str=? '0 12.345?' ;
var? x? =? str-0;
x? =? x * 1; ? //x performs arithmetic operation on the number type to realize the type conversion from string to number, but this method is not recommended.