Maxillary protrusion gives people a very unpleasant feeling. It's very unsightly, especially for girls. If they look like this, they feel very embarrassed. I quit and went shopping. Many people are afraid to speak because of this. Nowadays, it is medically possible to correct maxillary protrusion. The process of maxillary protrusion correction is very simple and safe. It can be completed in a few days, giving you confidence and a satisfactory answer. The surgical process of maxillary protrusion correction: 1. Maxillary protrusion correction begins with general anesthesia on your body to design the osteotomy line. There is no need to be afraid and it will not hurt. 2. The mucosal incision of the vestibular sulcus should not be too long. The second step of maxillary protrusion correction needs to be completed carefully. 3. Correction of maxillary protrusion closes to the bone surface and separates the anterolateral periosteum of the maxilla. 4. Cut off the bone plate behind the zygomatic alveolar according to the osteotomy line designed before maxillary protrusion correction. 5. After determining the two ends in the appropriate position, connect and suture the wound with titanium nails.