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What are the common mistakes of ASP? What are the solutions to common ASP errors?
Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03e9)- > insufficient memory

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03ea)- > syntax error

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03eb)- > missing ":"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03ed)- > missing "("

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03ee)- > missing ")"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03ef)- > missing']'

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f2)- > Missing identifier

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f3)- > missing "="

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f4)- > missing "If"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f5)- > Missing Recipient

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f6)- > missing "End"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f7)- > missing "function"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f8)- > missing "Sub"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03f9)- > missing "Then"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03fa)- > missing "Wend"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03fb)- > missing "loop"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03fc)- > Next is missing.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03fd)- > missing "Case"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03fe)- > missing "Select"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a03ff)- > missing expression

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0400)-> missing statement

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a 040 1)- > statement is not finished.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0402)-> missing integer constant.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0403)-> > Missing "While" or "Until"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0404)-> > Missing "While", "Until" or incomplete statement.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0405)-> missing "With"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0406)-> identifier is too long.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0407)-> invalid number

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0408)-> invalid characters

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0409)-> unfinished string constant

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a40a)- > comment incomplete.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a040d)->; Invalid use of "Me" keyword.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a040e)-> "loop" statement is missing "do"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a040f)- > invalid "exit" statement.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0410)-> The loop control variable "for" is invalid.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a 04 1 1)- > name redefinition

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x 800 a 04 12)->)- > must be the first statement of the line.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a0413)->-> Cannot assign values to non-ByVal parameters.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a0414)->-> You cannot use parentheses when calling subroutines.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a0415)->-> Missing literal constant.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a0416)->-> Missing "in"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a0417)->-> Missing "Class"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a0418)->-> must be defined in the class.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A0419)->-> Missing Let, Set or Get in attribute declaration.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a041a)->-> Missing "Attribute"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a041b)->-> In the specification of all attributes, the number of variables must be consistent.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a041c)->-> Multiple default properties/methods are not allowed in a class.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800A041d)->-> Class initializer or terminator has no parameters.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a041e)->-> attribute Set or let must have at least one parameter.

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x 800 a 04 1F)->)- > wrong "Next"

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a 0420)->' default' can only be specified in' Property',' Function' or' Sub'

Syntax error in Microsoft VBScript (0x800a 042 1)- > When "Default" is specified, "Public" must also be specified).

Microsoft VBScript syntax error (0x800a 0422)-> "default" can only be specified in attribute Get.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0005)-> invalid procedure call or parameter.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0006)-> overflow

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0007)-> out of memory

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0009)-> subscript out of bounds

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A000a)- > array is fixed length or temporarily locked.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a00b)-> divide by zero

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a00d)-> type mismatch

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a00e)- > insufficient string space.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 00 1 1)- > unable to perform the required operation.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a001c)->-> stack overflow.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0023)-> no procedure or function defined.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0030)-> error loading DLL.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0033)-> internal error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0034)-> wrong file name or number.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0035)-> file not found.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0036)-> error file mode

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0037)-> file has been opened.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0039)-> device I/O error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a03A)- > file already exists.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a03d)- > disk full

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a03e)- > input beyond the end of the file.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0043)-> > Too many files.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0044)-> device unavailable.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0046)-> no permission.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0047)-> the disk is not ready.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a04a)-> rename without using another drive letter.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a004b)- > path/file access error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a04c)- > path not found.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a005b)- > object variable not set.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x 800 a05c)-> For loop not initialized.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a05e)- > invalid Null.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 142)- > unable to create the required temporary file.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1a8)- > Missing object

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1ad)-> ActiveX widget cannot create object.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1ae)- > class does not support automation.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1b0)- > file name or class name not found in automation operation.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1b6)- > The property or method is not supported by the object.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1b8)- > automation operation error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1bd)- > object does not support this operation.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1be)- > object does not support named parameters.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1bf)- > object does not support the current locale.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1c0)- > named parameter not found.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1c 1)- > parameter required.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1c2)- > wrong number of parameters or invalid parameter attribute values.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1c3)- > object is not a collection.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1c5)- > the specified DLL function cannot be found.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1c7)- > code resource locking error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1ca)- > this variable uses an automation type that VBScript does not support.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1ce)- > the remote server does not exist or is unavailable.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1e 1)- > invalid picture.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1f4)- > variable undefined.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1f5)- > illegal assignment

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1f6)- > unable to program objects safely using scripts.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1f7)- > unable to initialize the object safely.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1f8)- > unable to create the object safely.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1f9)- > invalid or unqualified reference.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1fa)- > class not defined.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 0 1fb)- > An unexpected error occurred.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 1398)- > missing regular expression object.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 1399)- > syntax error of regular expression

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 139a)- > quantifier error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 139b)->]' is missing in the regular expression.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 139c)- >) is missing in regular expression'.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800a 139d)- > Character set out of bounds.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A802B)-> element not found.

ActiveServerPages,ASP 0 126(0x 80004005)-& gt; The include file could not be found.

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80040 e 14)-& gt; Error in sql statement (incorrect field name or data type mismatch)

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80040 e07)-& gt; Error in sql statement (field type to be inserted or updated does not match variable data type)

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80040 e 57)-& gt; Error in sql statement (data to be inserted or updated overflows)

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80040 e 10)-& gt; Error in sql statement (update field name or data type of the error to be updated)

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80004005)-& gt; Error in sql statement (field value to be inserted or updated cannot be empty)

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80004005)-& gt; Error opening database. The database could not be found in the specified directory.

Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x 80040 e 37)-& gt; Could not find the form.

odbc drivers(0x 80040 e 2 1)-& gt; Errors in sql statements (tables/fields with mismatched data types or errors are either being edited or do not exist in the database opened by conn).

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0bb9)->; Error in sql statement (sql statement or conn statement is not defined, or there is an error in assigning rs attribute).

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0cc1)-> Error in rs object (the rs object itself does not exist or incorrectly refers to a field name that does not exist)

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0bcd)->; Rs object matching error (there are no records in the recordset, but the recordset is manipulated)

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0e78)->; Error in rs object (recordset does not exist, statement is missing)

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0cc1)-> Error in rs object (referring to non-existent field name)

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0e7d)->; Connection definition error

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800a0cb3)->; The database is opened as read-only, and the data cannot be updated.

ADODB。 Recordset (0x800A000d)-> Wrong reference to rs variable (rs object is closed or undefined)


The meaning of most ADO error codes.

In addition to the provider Errors described in the Error object and the Errors collection, ADO itself returns errors to.

In the exception handling mechanism of the runtime environment. Use the error capture mechanism of programming language (such as Microsoft?

Visual Basic? The On Error statement in can catch and handle the following errors. The following table will show ten at the same time.

Hexadecimal and hexadecimal error code values.

Description of constant name number

The aderrinvalid argument 30010x800a0bb9 application uses the wrong parameter type, which is beyond the acceptable range.

The range of or conflicts with other parameters.

Adrrnocurrentrecord 30210x800a0bcdBOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.

. The operation requested by the application requires the current record.

Adrillegaloperation 32190x800a0c93 The operation requested by the application is not allowed in this context.

In aderrintransaction 3246 0x800A0CAE, an application cannot be explicitly closed in a transaction.

Connect objects.

The aderrfeaturenotavailable 32510x800a0cb3 provider does not support the operation requested by the application.

Aderritemnotfound 32650x800A0CC1ADO cannot be referenced in the name or order corresponding to the application request.

An object with was found in the collection.

Unable to append adelobjectcollection 3367 0x800a0d27, the object is already in the collection.

The object referenced by the aderrobjectnotset 34200x800a 0d5c application no longer points to a valid object.

The value type used by aderrdataconversion 34210x800a0d5d application does not match the current operation.

Aderrobjectclosed 3704 0x800A0E78 If the object is closed, the operation requested by the application is not allowed.

The object is open and the operation requested by the application is not allowed.

Aderrprovidernotfound 37060x800ae07aado could not find the specified provider.

The aderrboundtocommand37070x800ae07b application cannot use the command object to set a recordset.

Object is changed to its source data.

The aderrinvalidparaminfo 37080x800a0e7c application incorrectly defines the parameter object.

Adrrininvalidconnection 3709 0x800a0e7d Application is closed or invalid by reference.

Connect an object to request an operation on it.


ASP error code description

Error Code Error Message Description

ASP0 100 Out of Memory Out of Memory (Unable to allocate the requested memory.

ASP 0 10 1 unexpected error unexpected error.

ASP 0 102 Expected string input is missing.

Asp0 103 should be a digital input, but it is missing.

ASP 0 104 does not allow disallowed operations.

ASP0 105 An Ge index is out of range (array index is out of date).

ASP0 106 Type mismatch (unable to handle the data type encountered).

ASP0 107 Stack Overflow Stack Overflow (the data being processed is beyond the allowable range).

ASP 0 1 15 Unexpected error Unexpected error (catchable exception_name error in external object, foot

This can't run any longer)

ASP 0 177 server. The createobjectfailed server failed to create an object (invalid progid).

ASP0 190 Unexpected error Unexpected error (catching error generated when releasing external object).

ASP 0 19 1 Unexpected error Unexpected error (a catchable error occurred in the OnStartPage method of the external object.


ASP0 192 unexpected error unexpected error (catchable error in the OnEndPage method of external object.

Sender: Si Long-Hyundai Raptor (200km/h), letter area: X-COM base.

ASP 0 177 server. The createobjectfailed server failed to create an object (invalid progid).

Sending station: Jurassic Park (Saturday, February 3, 2050,1,18:30:00), receiving error in the station)

ASP 0 19 1 Unexpected error Unexpected error (a catchable error occurred in the OnStartPage method of the external object.


ASP0 192 unexpected error unexpected error (catchable error in the OnEndPage method of external object.


ASP0 193 OnStartPage failure generated an error in the OnStartPage method of the external object.

ASP0 194 OnEndPage failure generated an error in the OnEndPage method of the external object.

ASP0240 Script Engine Exception Script Engine throws exception_anme from object_name object.


The CreateObject method of ASP 0241creatobobjectexceptionobject _ name object caused an exception.

On_name exception

Asp0242 query onstart page interface queries OnsException of Object_name.