Chewing habits, long-term chewing of beef jerky, a hard food, and bad chewing habits of unilateral teeth will make the masseter muscle hypertrophy and form a big face. Eating too much, eating big fish and big meat for a long time, and eating high-calorie food will all cause facial fat accumulation, which is the reason why facial fat types such as baby fat, double chin and round face appear.
Drinking too much water, such as drinking too much water before going to bed, eating too much spicy food at night, and taking in salt that is not conducive to water discharge, many working and student parties sit in chairs for a long time and do not exercise, which will lead to facial edema the next day. After knowing the reason of face fat, how to solve the trouble of face fat? We can solve it by eating Yan Jia fruit every day. If you have any problems with your fat face, please write privately.