Daniel Daniel Hebrew God is my judge (Katie Meow's boyfriend).
Darcy Dalcy French refers to people from big castles, black people.
Daniil, the Hebrew God of Daniil is my referee.
Darren Darren Ireland has the potential to achieve great things.
Dave Dave, the darling of Hebrew.
David, David, the darling of Hebrew.
Dean Dean English Valley; The leader of the school; The leader of the church
Dempsey Dempsey, a proud and powerful man.
Dennis Dennis, Greek Dionysus (don't translate it into waiting for you to die)
Derek, the ruler of the German nation in Dairic.
The German prose "Ireland" refers to a poet or scholar.
Dick Dick Germany is brave and bold (in fact, it has another meaning ...)
Dominic, Minnich Latin belongs to God.
Don Donselt, world leader
Donahue donahue, Irish red-brown warrior.
Donald Donald Celtic, world leader; chieftain
Douglas Douglas Gail is from the Black Sea; Dark grey
Drew Drew Wells, a clever and honest man.
Duke of Latin; leader
Duncan Duncan Gail Brown Warrior; Suntanned soldier
Dunn Dunn Britain refers to people with dark skin.
Dwight Devit Teutonic white or blond.
Dylan Dylan Wells Ocean; God of the waves
Earl Earl, a noble leader with keen wisdom in Britain.
Ed ed, a wealthy guardian in England.
Eden Eden Eden Hebrew Eden, light and happiness
Edgar Edgar Edgar, the happy soldier of England.
Edmund Edmund, Britain's wealthy protector
Edison Edison British people enrich themselves by taking care of others (well, you should know)
Edward Edward, the guardian of Britain's rich property (sparrow becomes phoenix)
Edwin Edwin, Fu You, England; Precious friend
Egbert Teuton of Egbert is outstanding in talent.
Eli Eli Hebrew is great and outstanding.
Elijah Elijah, the Lord of Hebrew is God.
Elliot Iliad, a devout believer of God in French and Hebrew.
Ellis Ellis, the Hebrew god is the savior.
Elmer Elmer is a nobleman or a celebrity in Britain.
Elroy loves Roy, king of the Latin royal family.
Elton Elton, from an old English farm.
Elvis Elvis Teutonic aristocrat; Friends (Elvis Presley)
Emanuel Emanuel Hebrew God is with us.
Enoch Enoch is devout in Greek and Hebrew
Eric Alex, Scandinavian leader
Ernest is a warm-hearted, true or sincere person in Germany.
Eugene Eugene Greek, Latin of noble descent
Evan Owen Celtic, a man of noble birth.
Everley Yves force refers to the place where British wild boars fight.
Fabian Fu Bin, a Roman bean farmer.
Felix fenix is Latin for happiness or luck.
Ferdinand and Ferdinand travel in Teutonic and like adventure; Prosecute/fight for peace
Fitch Fitch, British blonde
Ford Ford Ferry on the English River (Car King)
Francis Francis is a free man in Latin, a free man
Frank, Frank, a free man in France.
Franklin Franklin Latin or German Freeman
Frederick Friedrich, the ruler of Germany under the peaceful leadership; Powerful and rich.
Gabriel Gabriel, servant of the Hebrew God; God's power is very powerful.
Gail sings in Ireland; stranger
Gary Garrett Teutonic with a spear; hunting dog
Gavin Gavin, Eagle of Irish War, Eagle of Victory
Gene Gene Greek, Latin is of noble descent.
Jeffrey Jeffrey manages the sacred peace in France.
George George, a Greek farmer
Gerald, the brave warrior of Germanic, Girod.
Gilbert Guibert Teuton's Glorious Oath; hostage
Giles Ghias, Greek shield holder
The narrow valley of glen glenselt
French god of peace.