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Surgical treatment of giant tongue caused by lymphangioma or lymphangioma

Chun Xinchun, Liu Zhimin, Guo Feng, Chen Xinqun

Objective To summarize the experience of surgical treatment of giant tongue caused by lymphangioma or lymphangioma. Lymphangioma or cases of lymphangioma

For surgical cases of giant tongue with hemangioma, surgical methods are used for those with lesions on the back and front of the tongue "; It is suitable for patients with lesions in the center of tongue back, front of tongue, abdomen of tongue and frenum of tongue.

Surgery # treatment. Results Cases were treated by operation, and cases by operation. All cases had normal postoperative language function, and% cases were followed up. No tumor

Recurrence has achieved long-term results. Conclusion the long-term effect of treating lymphangioma or lymphangiomatous macroglossia is good.

Lymphangioma; Lymphangioma; Giant tongue disease

China Library Classification Number! (#) # ID number * item number "&; & amp(+",(%(# & amp; ? )& amp$+& amp; (,! +?

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9f 235:& lt; ()*+,%-# OE @ F8:A 5b@:; OE @ F8:A 5B 82 @:A 5B @:; g:3; B lymphangioma or lymphangiomatous macroglossia seriously affects oral function.

Can, and can cause maxillofacial deformities. The author is in "P! ,)"! # & amp& amp& amp)$

* * * Treat lymphangioma or lymphangiomatous giant tongue disease! For example, by hand

Author:% "&; Department of Stomatology, Xiangya Hospital, Xiangya Medical College, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan

Maxillofacial surgery

The surgical treatment achieved satisfactory results, as described below.

Materials and methods

) clinical data of lymphangioma or lymphangiomatous giant tongue disease! Examples; that

Male, female and female cases. Age # years old (month! ("years old, average"&; ) $ years old.

Among them, there were cases of lymphangiomatous macroglossia, cases.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! example

Scope drugs can cause kidney damage and should be banned. Oral diseases.

There are many kinds of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

Therefore, it must be selected according to the types of bacteria and the characteristics of low renal function.

The most effective anti-infective drugs and dosage.

refer to

["] Li Jianmin, Huang Hai, Sun Guige) Chronic renal insufficiency complicated with labial carbuncle leads to uremia death.

Death [Q]) Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, "PP! ,! (():##,)

[#] Shen Qingrui, Ye) Residual serum from blood purification and kidney transplantation [G]) First edition) Beijing: People.

People's Health Publishing House, PP》)# P (! (& amp$)

(Date of receipt: #&; & amp"+& amp; . +"()

! (journal of clinical stomatology #&; ? Year "&; Montenot. ".Volume number $ qn

Wanfang Data

They all received surgical treatment.

! "According to the size of lymphangioma or supralingual lymphangioma, the surgical method of tongue

Select the thickness of the body, the size of the extension outside the mouth, and whether it involves the ventral surface of the tongue and the lingual frenulum.

# Or surgery! .

The indication of operation # is that lymphangioma or lymphangioma is mainly located in the center of back of tongue.

However, the front part of the tongue and the ventral surface of the tongue have no lesions. The operation design is as shown in Figure # "During the operation, thick silk thread should be used first.

Draw a traction line through the front of the tongue and pull the tongue as far as possible to determine the resection range. Draw it in methylene blue.

Incision lines on the back of tongue, lateral edge of tongue and ventral side of tongue. Thread the word "$" through the base of the tongue with thick silk thread.

Suture to temporarily block the blood supply. The mucosa, lingual aponeurosis and lingual muscle were cut along the incision line to lift the tumor.

From back to front, pull the remaining pedicle and bilateral mucosal muscle flaps to the midline and combine with the tongue and abdomen.

Tongue-shaped flaps are connected together and stitched alternately with thin lines intermittently and mattress-like, forming an approximate tongue body.

The shape of.

Operation! It is suitable for lymphangioma or lymphangioma located behind tongue, in front of tongue and in the center of tongue.

Patients with laceration of abdomen and tongue. The surgical design is shown in the figure! "The surgical method is only to remove the tumor.

Except for the above differences, other steps are basically the same as operation #.

Figure! Operation! Incision design (%): tongue dorsal incision design; & lingual side

Edge incision design; Design of ventral incision of tongue; (:After sewing)

Figure "Surgical" incision design (%): lingual dorsal incision design; & lingual side

Edge incision design; Design of ventral incision of tongue; (:After sewing)


There were cases of macroglossia in this group, and postoperative pathological examination reported * cases of lymphangioma macroglossia;

Lymphangiomatous giant tongue disease! Cases: lymphangioma or lymphangioma before and after tongue.

* surgical treatment of tumor cases #; The back of the tongue, the abdomen of the tongue and the frenulum of the tongue all suffer from lymphangioma or lymph.

Hemangioma! Case operation! Treatment. Follow-up for # months after operation! ! # years, its

+cases were followed up for more than # years without tumor recurrence, and the language function returned to normal, only occlusal space.

The recovery of the system is not ideal.


Lingual lymphatic malformation is the most common abnormality of lingual blood vessels. These diseases

Change is most often located in front of the tongue! /-area and lead to a huge tongue body. The enlarged tongue body does not

Can be put in the mouth, but also protrude out of the mouth, because the mouth can not be closed, accompanied by salivation,

The tongue is dry, the surface festers and hardens, forming dentofacial deformity.

All the above symptoms and signs exist.

Due to the above symptoms and signs, the normal life of patients and

Socialize. The purpose of treatment is to shrink the enlarged tongue body and make it return.

In the oral cavity, followed by unclear language and salivation can be eliminated, but

Open bite deformity must be solved by orthognathic surgery.

The surgical method of giant tongue caused by lymphangioma or lymphangioma is very simple.

More [+! )], due to incomplete resection of diseased tissue, the postoperative recurrence rate is very high, and often

Need a lot of operations. Based on this, the author designed! New operation, after closing! +

Clinical application and follow-up observation showed that the patient's language function returned to normal without tumor.

Recurrence. Therefore, the advantages of these two operations are considered as follows: "The tumor can be removed to the maximum extent."

Tumor tissue,+cases in this group were followed up #, and no recurrence was found for more than years. # will be kept.

Tongue plasty can form a normal tissue with good activity and approximate shape.

A new tongue body has a normal tongue size and retains the good language and tongue chewing function of patients.

Function, improve the quality of life of patients.

refer to

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[! Chun Chunchun, Su, Shen, et al. Report on surgical treatment of 2 cases of macroglossia [3].

Journal of Plastic Burn Surgery, #J$J, * (-):! ! j "

[-]37; 9L ' " I6 07 >; ; 2 1M & gt; 7 @ 7/9/C2 no; 907/O; d/6 @ O; & gt/02/@@7; :% & gt; @ 1

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(Date of receipt:! ,,#W,KW##)

$K- journal of clinical stomatology! ,,! Year #, monthly volume # $,issue 3, 279 ID/O; D/2,Q & gtd,! ,,! ,./2"#$,V/"*

Wanfang Data